
Wheel of Fortune – An In Depth Look

Wheel of Fortune (Upright) Meaning

Drawing the Wheel of Fortune card in an upright position signifies imminent changes heading your way, often with a positive connotation. These transformations have the potential to reshape your life, turning it from a source of complaints into a cherished experience. However, it’s essential to recognize that not all changes come effortlessly, and some may necessitate sacrifices. While certain sacrifices might initially seem unfair, they often contribute to a greater good in the long run.

In life, we often understand the steps required for greatness but may hesitate due to laziness or distractions that add no value to our well-being. The Wheel of Fortune card suggests that the universe is aligning in your favor, offering opportunities for growth if you’re willing to invest even a small amount of effort.

Take this time to focus on yourself, set goals, and make plans for the future. By doing so, you can achieve success more rapidly, whether it’s steering a startup toward prosperity or excelling in a government exam. The Wheel of Fortune also symbolizes the cyclical nature of life, where periods of joy are accompanied by moments of sorrow. Ultimately, the outcomes depend on your karma.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

If you find yourself in a romantic relationship or contemplating a proposal, the Wheel of Fortune card in the upright position suggests that things are poised to unfold favorably. This is a clear indication that you can confidently take the next step in your relationship. Moreover, if you are experiencing dissatisfaction or contemplating a transition, the Wheel of Fortune card advises giving the relationship one final chance. While the card doesn’t prevent you from ending a relationship (as it is part of the transformative process), it signals that positive developments await in your love life, whether with your current partner or beyond.

For individuals currently unattached, the Wheel of Fortune card in the upright position is a sign that the universe is orchestrating opportunities for you to find the love you truly deserve. However, if you tend to be introverted, it’s essential to recognize that good fortune in love requires some proactive effort. While shyness might hinder your approach, it doesn’t mean others won’t be interested in getting to know you. Embrace the positive changes the card signifies and consider putting yourself out there to attract new romantic experiences. Additionally, given that the Wheel of Fortune is associated with destiny, it may signify the potential for encountering a soulmate, suggesting that if you are single, you might cross paths with yours soon.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

Financially, drawing the Wheel of Fortune Upright does not necessarily indicate the most favorable circumstances, especially if you have a tendency to spend extravagantly and struggle with saving money. If you have been consistently comfortable in terms of finances, the Wheel of Fortune card suggests that a shift may occur, bringing unexpected expenses your way. It is advisable to set aside some savings for potential future needs. Consider reassessing and cutting unnecessary expenses, and make strategic investments that you can take pride in as you move forward.

Conversely, if you are currently facing financial challenges, the Upright Wheel of Fortune Tarot card signals a positive turn of events in your financial situation. It suggests that improvements are on the horizon, presenting you with the opportunity to make wise investment choices and explore multiple avenues for income.

Career (Upright) Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune serves as a sign that new opportunities lie ahead for you. If you’ve been contemplating starting your own business, now is an opportune time to explore those possibilities, as the universe seems to be aligning to support significant changes. For those actively seeking a new job, it’s a time to intensify your efforts in the job hunt. However, even if you find contentment in your current career status, the Wheel of Fortune suggests that change is either approaching you or that you should proactively initiate changes for personal and professional progress.

It’s important to note that not all of these changes may come easily. There might be challenges, and you may even question your ability to undertake a task that comes with a higher pay scale. The advice is to embrace new opportunities, give them a try, and witness how things fall into place, making the process of change less intimidating than you might anticipate.

Health (Upright) Meaning

Drawing the Wheel of Fortune card in the upright position signifies impending changes in your health. If you’ve been grappling with health issues lately, the card serves as a hopeful indication that the tide may turn in your favor. However, for those enjoying good health, it’s essential to exercise caution and make necessary adjustments in life.

If you’ve been relentlessly pushing yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically, there’s a possibility of encountering a health setback that could impede your progress. To prevent such occurrences, it’s advisable to listen to your body and allocate time for self-care. Invest in hobbies, maintain a balanced diet, and incorporate positive adjustments that promote overall well-being.

Wheel of Fortune – (Reversed) Meaning

In the reversed position, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card still signifies change, but it may bring about changes that you may not be eager to embrace. This reversed card is an indicator that challenging changes lie ahead, and if you’re not prepared for them, the transition may prove difficult for you.

At times, it might feel as though everything is unexpectedly unraveling, and drawing this card reinforces that sentiment. The abrupt changes can leave you feeling powerless, creating a sense that you’ve lost control over your life and emotions. Tarot readers suggest that these unwelcome changes are often a consequence of personal decisions rather than external forces working against you.

Therefore, when encountering the reversed Wheel of Fortune tarot card, it’s recommended to take ownership of your choices and make well-considered decisions. Discussing your decisions with loved ones can be a constructive way to navigate in the right direction. Always bear in mind that, regardless of the circumstances, resisting change is not fruitful; instead, allow it to unfold naturally. Embracing change enables you to learn more about life, as hardships often teach valuable lessons.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

In the realm of love, drawing the reversed Wheel of Fortune tarot card suggests that your relationship may encounter challenges ahead. While this might be unsettling, it doesn’t necessarily warrant an impulsive decision to end things abruptly or to refrain from pursuing a potential romantic interest. Instead, this card indicates that all relationships experience highs and lows, and you are currently navigating a low phase that requires careful handling. For many individuals, these challenges may arise during transitions between different phases of a relationship, which can be mildly uncomfortable. Regardless of the reason for the turmoil, take time to reflect on the situation and make a considered decision. During this period, it might be beneficial to consider giving your relationship some space or allowing your partner extra room.

Another potential reason for relationship difficulties could be the resurgence of past mistakes due to current actions. If you are single and struggling to find love, it’s advisable to reflect on your past choices. Have you missed opportunities in love? If so, use these lessons to make informed decisions and give love another chance. Even with the reversed Wheel of Fortune tarot card, it’s crucial to seek compatibility rather than being swayed solely by physical appearance. Remember that setbacks are a part of the journey, and the reversed Wheel of Fortune Tarot card doesn’t signify despair. Instead, embrace the challenges and go with the flow.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

During this period, exercise caution to avoid actions that may lead to regret, such as engaging in gambling or excessive spending. This advice extends beyond activities that your mother might disapprove of; it also pertains to the need to be mindful of your investments and refrain from taking unnecessary financial risks.

If you find yourself facing financial constraints, prioritize saving money for your financial security. Remember that financial challenges, like any other difficulties, are temporary and serve as valuable lessons for the future.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

In terms of career, the reversed Wheel of Fortune tarot card suggests a period of either stagnation or disruption in the native’s professional life. This disruption may arise from a reluctance to embrace change or a need for the individual to take a break and rest. In its reversed position, this Major Arcana card indicates that it’s time for the individual to evaluate recent decisions and consider whether adjustments are necessary.

The card also prompts a reflection on whether the individual has seized better opportunities that may be available. If not, it encourages a reconsideration of career choices for personal benefit. It’s important to recognize that this phase is temporary, and the disruptions will ultimately bring forth opportunities and blessings.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

If you have drawn the reversed Wheel of Fortune card for yourself, it serves as a signal that you may encounter disruptions in another aspect of life, specifically in the realm of health. During this phase, consider committing to your health-related resolutions, such as incorporating a morning run or regular gym sessions. Despite potential challenges in various areas of your life, managing stress becomes crucial.

It’s important to acknowledge that life has its way of falling into place, and attempting to thwart events may not be productive. Instead, focus on taking positive steps to care for yourself, particularly your physical well-being, even during challenging times, and your health will ultimately benefit.

The Wheel of Fortune Card: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with the Wheel of Fortune tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a Yes as the answer.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a No as the answer

Timing: Wheel of Fortune Card Meaning

Concerning any situation that requires a timely response, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card anticipates that luck is undoubtedly in your favor regarding your current or upcoming plans. The card does not specify the exact timing of the event, but it suggests that you should trust the unfolding process orchestrated by the Universe to bring about the desired outcomes in your life. Even if things are not unfolding according to your initial plans, it emphasizes the importance of maintaining hope and manifesting the best possible outcome.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.