
Three of Wands – An In Depth Look

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Three of Wands – An In Depth Look

Three of Wands (Upright) Meaning

When the Three of Wands appears upright, it signifies that you have diligently planned or are contemplating your future with confidence and determination. This card indicates satisfaction with your current progress or the fruition of your plans, motivating you to take decisive action and move forward. You are actively establishing a solid foundation for your future endeavors.

The presence of the Three of Wands suggests the arrival of promising opportunities that you will embrace wholeheartedly, as they promise to expand and enrich your life experiences. It encourages you to let go of preconceptions and step out of your comfort zone to welcome new possibilities, recognizing that unfamiliar experiences often lead to growth and advancement. As you pursue your goals, you will encounter more opportunities that propel you toward a brighter future, albeit requiring you to push your boundaries and embrace change. These newfound opportunities will challenge you to think innovatively, encouraging you to prepare for long-term success.

In essence, the Three of Wands affirms your autonomy and control over your life and destiny, mirroring the confidence and self-assurance depicted by the figure in the card, who stands tall and gazes confidently toward the sea and mountains. Even amid uncertainty, you exude confidence in your abilities and believe in your ability to navigate whatever challenges lie ahead. This card embodies foresight and vision, suggesting potential travel or journeys as you pursue your dreams. It implies that your aspirations may lie beyond your current surroundings, prompting you to explore new horizons and discover your fullest potential.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

In a love and relationship reading, the appearance of the Three of Wands upright indicates that you are on the brink of entering a new phase in your romantic journey. Both you and your partner are contemplating the future and envisioning each other as integral parts of it. This card suggests the importance of being proactive in solidifying your commitment to the relationship, particularly if you are embarking on a new romantic endeavor. For those already in a committed relationship, it signifies an opportune moment to establish mutual goals and collaborate to achieve them as a couple.

Open and ongoing communication is key during this time. Discuss your aspirations, envisioning how you both see your lives unfolding together and the timeline for significant milestones such as marriage or cohabitation. As you and your partner engage in discussions about potentially moving in together, this process will strengthen your bond and deepen your connection. The Three of Wands encourages you to openly communicate your preferences and concerns, ensuring a smooth transition to the next phase of your relationship without any unnecessary conflicts.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

When the Three of Wands appears upright, it signifies a period of leisure and enjoyment in life. After dedicating considerable effort to advancing your career and stabilizing your finances, you are now beginning to see the rewards of your hard work. Your diligent efforts are finally paying off, resulting in a healthy bank account balance and financial stability. This is the time to indulge yourself and treat yourself to a well-deserved break. Don’t hesitate to spend some of your hard-earned money on a vacation or other enjoyable experiences.

Furthermore, if there are opportunities to invest in your business or further your professional development, you should embrace them without hesitation. These investments are likely to yield positive outcomes and contribute to your long-term success. If there are educational courses or travel experiences you have been considering but held back due to financial concerns, the appearance of this card suggests that now is the time to pursue them. Trust your instincts and follow your heart’s desires, knowing that your efforts will lead to growth and fulfillment.

Career (Upright) Meaning

The appearance of the Three of Wands upright in a tarot reading suggests that you are on the verge of encountering exciting and enriching experiences in various aspects of your life. New adventures and opportunities are about to present themselves, promising growth and fulfillment. This applies not only to your personal life but also to your career journey.

In your professional endeavors, expect to be presented with fresh opportunities that have the potential to positively impact your career trajectory. These opportunities will challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone and explore paths that may have seemed daunting before. Embracing these new experiences will contribute to your personal and professional growth, allowing you to discover aspects of yourself that you may not have fully embraced in the past.

For instance, you may find yourself considering job opportunities that involve international travel or opportunities to expand your business into new markets abroad, ultimately positioning you as a global player in your industry. These new adventures are instrumental in shaping you into the person you aspire to be, enabling you to realize your full potential and achieve your long-term goals.

Health (Upright) Meaning

In the realm of health, the significance of this card indicates a period of recovery from a prolonged illness. If you have been grappling with a persistent physical ailment, the appearance of this card suggests that liberation from it is imminent. This implies that you may have undergone treatment or surgery, and now you are poised to embark on the journey toward full recovery and resuming a normal life.

Given the association of the Three of Wands with travel, this could imply that your path to healing may involve venturing outside your home country to seek specialized treatment or medical care. Alternatively, it could suggest the need to undergo vaccinations or medical procedures in preparation for living abroad temporarily to facilitate your recovery process.

Three of Wands (Reversed) Meaning

When the Three of Wands appears reversed, it signifies that despite your diligent efforts to shape your future and broaden your horizons, you may encounter setbacks and obstacles that thwart your plans. The aspirations you have been striving for seem elusive, and numerous challenges impede your progress. However, this card serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, your efforts are not in vain. Each obstacle you encounter serves to strengthen your resilience and fortitude, preparing you for future endeavors.

The reversed Three of Wands prompts you to contemplate your future and take proactive steps to establish your path in life. Perhaps you have been preoccupied with admiring the achievements of others, neglecting to chart your own course. Alternatively, you may find yourself at a crossroads, unsure of your aspirations or feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your current lifestyle. It is imperative to begin formulating long-term goals and making plans for your future, as delaying this process may lead to unfavorable outcomes.

Ultimately, the Three of Wands teaches a valuable lesson: perseverance in the pursuit of your dreams. If circumstances do not align with your expectations, it is essential to adapt and explore alternative avenues to achieve your goals. The figure in the card symbolizes a perpetual seeker, ever vigilant for new opportunities on the horizon.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

When the Three of Wands appears reversed, it suggests a breakdown in communication within your relationship, with the responsibility largely falling on your shoulders. You may find it challenging to express difficult emotions or address issues that are bothering you about your partner’s behavior. Fear of upsetting your partner or facing their potential disapproval may lead you to suppress your true feelings. However, avoiding open communication can ultimately damage the relationship and lead to misunderstandings or miscommunication.

In particular, if you are in a new relationship, adjusting to the transition from being single to being in a committed partnership may present its challenges. It’s important to recognize that even if you believe you have found your soulmate, successful relationships require effort and patience from both partners. It’s essential to be present and attentive in nurturing the relationship, while also respecting your partner’s autonomy and individuality.

Attempting to impose your own expectations or ideals onto your partner can create distance and strain in the relationship. It’s crucial to acknowledge and respect their perspectives, preferences, and personal goals. Before committing to a relationship, it’s advisable to ensure that you have a clear understanding of your partner’s values and aspirations.

In any relationship, compromise is necessary, as both partners cannot always have their own way. Finding a balance between your needs and desires and those of your partner is essential for fostering a healthy and harmonious connection.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

If the Three of Wands appears reversed, it suggests a period of financial turbulence and uncertainty. However, this doesn’t necessarily indicate imminent bankruptcy or significant losses. Instead, it suggests that you may have invested a considerable amount of money in a business or professional endeavor, but are yet to see the expected returns, and the results are taking longer to materialize than anticipated. This delay may be due to a lack of thorough evaluation of all aspects and potential outcomes before making investments.

This card serves as a reminder to meticulously assess your financial situation, including tracking both expenses and income. By maintaining a careful record of your finances and scrutinizing every detail, you can better manage your hard-earned money and mitigate the risk of substantial losses. This disciplined approach to financial management will serve you well as you continue to pursue your career goals.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

When the Three of Wands appears in a reversed position in terms of your career, it suggests a sense of frustration and regret regarding past decisions. This card signifies that you may have had enticing job offers or opportunities presented to you in the past, but for various reasons, you chose to decline them. Perhaps you were preoccupied with other responsibilities or felt hesitant to step out of your comfort zone.

You may have harbored aspirations to explore new career paths, pursue opportunities abroad, or engage in novel experiences, but felt constrained by your existing commitments or circumstances. As a result, you now find yourself grappling with feelings of regret and dissatisfaction with your current job situation. Alternatively, the frustration you are experiencing could stem from your earnest efforts to advance your career, yet encountering obstacles that prevent you from achieving your desired goals.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

In a tarot reading, the Three of Wands reversed can have varying implications for health. Given the strong association with travel suggested by this card, it may indicate plans for international travel, potentially exposing you to foreign illnesses that could pose a significant source of stress. To mitigate this, it is advisable to ensure you have adequate travel insurance to alleviate concerns and uncertainties.

While abroad, it is essential to take precautionary measures, such as monitoring your dietary choices, obtaining necessary vaccinations, and using effective mosquito repellents to minimize the risk of illness. Additionally, the Three of Wands reversed may signify a prolonged illness or health condition that has been persisting for an extended period, causing frustration due to the protracted treatment process and the desire to resume normalcy as soon as possible.

Three of Wands: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with the Three of Wands tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a Yes as the answer. Your desired outcome will be attained through diligence and hard work.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it still signifies a Yes as the answer. However, it’s crucial to openly communicate your desires and work towards a resolution that satisfies all parties involved.

Timing: Three of Wands Card Meaning

If the Three of Wands appears when you seek timing for a specific event, your desire is on the brink of fruition. The timeframe will likely fall within days or months, such as one month later or around the 3rd, 12th, or 21st of the following month. While the precise date may vary, this card assures that your aspiration will materialize very soon.

It’s important to note that the seasonal reference, such as “spring,” is not literal; rather, it signifies the imminent arrival of your wish fulfillment, typically within the next month from the time of the reading.

Interpreting the timing is simplified by considering the number of the card. In the case of the Three of Wands, the number three suggests a timeframe of 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months. Predicting events in years through tarot or other spiritual practices is challenging, as our future evolves with each decision and action we take in life.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.