
Three of Swords – An In Depth Look

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Three of Swords – An In Depth Look

Three of Swords (Upright) Meaning

The Three of Swords, one of the most iconic tarot images, portrays a heart suspended in the air, pierced by three swords, while thick clouds loom overhead and rain falls persistently in the background. Although its meaning may seem ambiguous, it immediately elicits intense emotions. The three swords symbolize the capacity to inflict pain, harm, and suffering, piercing the heart, which embodies warmth, affection, and spirit.

This imagery evokes feelings of sadness, loss, and metaphorical anguish, with the rain and clouds serving as visual representations of the somber atmosphere. The Three of Swords reflects a profound moment of adversity in one’s life, characterized by themes of denial, betrayal, pain, and discouragement.

During such challenging times, our intellect can serve as a valuable tool, allowing us to rationally process and mentally prepare for the experience. However, it’s important to acknowledge that sorrow and grief are natural aspects of life, integral to our learning and growth. Through pain, we gain insights that help us avoid mistakes and appreciate the love and happiness present in our lives.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

The Three of Swords carries a heavy significance in love readings or relationships, often indicating tears, heartbreak, sorrow, and conflict. While it may not signify the complete demise of your partnership, it certainly points to significant challenges that need addressing for the relationship to endure. Engaging in respectful and honest conversations with your partner is crucial during such times, avoiding arguments, hurtful remarks, or accusations that can exacerbate the situation.

You may be experiencing dissatisfaction or disillusionment within the relationship, or perhaps there’s a breakdown in communication leading to profound misunderstandings and feelings of isolation or alienation. The presence of the Three of Swords may suggest the possibility of a breakup, divorce, or separation, along with potential legal complexities. The imagery of the three swords hints at the involvement of a third party, potentially causing disruptions and stirring up trouble. In some cases, it may even signify instances of betrayal or infidelity, as it symbolizes upheaval and deceit.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

You may be facing a significant financial setback or experiencing heightened stress regarding your financial situation. The aftermath of a breakup, such as the need to divide assets in a divorce or the challenge of maintaining financial stability on your own, could be contributing to this stress. It’s understandable if these circumstances feel overwhelming, but it’s important to address them without delay. While it’s essential to be compassionate towards yourself during this difficult time, it’s equally crucial not to procrastinate in managing these matters. Seeking assistance and support can help you navigate through these challenges successfully.

The presence of the Three of Swords in a financial context is often seen as unfavorable, signaling potential loss and disruption. Whether it’s a direct monetary loss or the emotional toll of a situation like divorce or separation affecting your finances, avoiding the issue won’t resolve it. Instead, it’s necessary to devise a methodical plan to address your financial concerns step by step. By tackling each task systematically, you can overcome these challenges and regain stability.

Career (Upright) Meaning

Currently, work may be a significant source of stress, dissatisfaction, and sadness. In the worst-case scenario, it could even foreshadow an unexpected layoff or business failure. This card may also suggest potential conflicts between coworkers or clients in the workplace. It’s essential to engage in courteous, open, and honest dialogues with your colleagues if you find yourself in this situation, as there may be valuable lessons to be learned from each other’s perspectives. Additionally, receiving this tarot card upright in a reading may indicate that the job search is currently challenging and may leave you feeling disheartened if you’re seeking employment or have recently faced job loss. However, it’s important to remain encouraged and take proactive steps to heal from this difficult period, as doing so may help you cultivate a more optimistic outlook.

The appearance of the Three of Swords in a career reading is generally unfavorable, signaling potential stress, disappointment, or setbacks. This card may symbolize the grief and setback associated with an unforeseen job loss or layoff. It could also represent a loss of hope in your professional future or endeavors. As a card associated with conflict and discord, it may also indicate communication breakdowns, disputes, or workplace tensions.

Health (Upright) Meaning

The upright Three of Swords is not a favorable sign in a health reading, as it may suggest the onset of illnesses, the need for surgeries, or other health-related concerns. This card may indicate that either your own health or the health of someone you care about is not as robust as desired, leading to feelings of sadness or disappointment. Particularly concerning are potential issues related to the heart. When the Three of Swords appears in a health spread, it signals the presence of both physical and emotional challenges that need to be addressed.

Heart problems may be indicated by the appearance of the Three of Swords, with its associations with worry, despair, and emotional trauma suggesting that any physical health issues may be intertwined with deeper emotional or mental health issues. In such circumstances, it is essential to be gentle with oneself and to maintain a positive outlook, as taking care of one’s mental and emotional well-being is crucial to the healing process.

Three of Swords (Reversed) Meaning

The reversed Three of Swords suggests that you have recently experienced a loss, breakup, or period of sadness, and you may still be in the process of healing from it. It’s understandable if your emotions haven’t fully subsided, making it difficult to move forward. However, this card serves as a reminder that it’s important to let go and focus on the opportunities that lie ahead. Despite lingering reflections on past pain, there is much joy waiting for you in the future.

It’s common for individuals to get caught up in their misery, hindering their own healing process. It’s important to avoid dwelling excessively on past events as you work to reignite your emotions and summon your courage. Reversing the Three of Swords represents the triumph over anguish, pain, sorrow, and melancholy in a broader sense. In its reversed position, this Minor Arcana card symbolizes optimism, resilience, and the ability to move beyond heartbreak. When it appears in a tarot reading, it often indicates that you are emerging from a difficult situation and beginning to overcome your emotional turmoil.

You may find yourself confiding in friends about your struggles or reconciling with someone you’ve had conflicts with in the past. Perhaps you’ve reached a point of compromise or forgiveness, allowing you to move forward from the pain. However, the reversed Three of Swords also carries a cautionary message. It suggests the possibility that you may be suppressing your grief or negative experiences, clinging to your suffering instead of letting go. It’s important to assess the support cards to gain further insight into your situation.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

Receiving the Three of Swords reversed in a love tarot reading may indicate that you are entering a phase of forgiveness or reconciliation within your relationship, if you are currently involved in one. This suggests that you are willing to let go of past hurt or suffering that has plagued your relationship. By releasing the pain you’ve been holding onto, communication channels reopen, offering the opportunity for your relationship to progress positively. In some cases, it might even signify a reunion after a period of separation.

On the flip side, the reversed Three of Swords can also suggest that you are struggling to release feelings of sadness, agony, or grief associated with past experiences in the relationship. You may find it challenging to forgive your partner for past hurts or betrayals. In such instances, it’s important to reflect on whether holding onto these negative emotions is beneficial for the relationship’s growth.

Continuously dwelling on past transgressions without seeking resolution can hinder the relationship’s development. While it’s crucial to acknowledge past issues, using them as emotional ammunition against your partner will only serve to stagnate progress. Instead, consider addressing the underlying issues through open and honest communication, allowing both parties to heal and move forward together.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

If you’ve been grappling with financial challenges, the reversed Three of Swords may indicate a turning point where things start to improve. You might notice your savings replenishing or find that your financial stability is gradually returning. However, it’s important to note that this card could also suggest that the emotional distress stemming from financial setbacks is intensifying. If you’ve experienced a significant loss, adjusting your spending habits or adapting to a new financial reality may prove to be quite difficult.

In a financial context, the reversed Three of Swords hints at the possibility of emerging from a period of financial strain. You may find yourself reaching agreements with creditors to settle debts or experiencing a sense of relief as you seek assistance in managing your finances. However, it’s also possible that this card reflects deep emotional turmoil caused by financial losses, such as losing a job, home, or financial stability due to economic downturns. In such cases, seeking support and guidance can be crucial for navigating through these challenges and finding a path towards recovery.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

Workplace conditions are showing signs of improvement. Your overall outlook and happiness are on the rise, and conflicts are beginning to dissipate. It’s possible that disagreements have been forgotten, or the individuals involved have moved on from the issues. Instead, there may be a collective focus on moving forward and collaborating effectively. Communication has improved, and perhaps new protocols have been implemented to prevent past mistakes. However, in some cases, this card can also indicate a worsening of conditions, with lingering resentments and unresolved issues hindering progress. The surrounding cards provide additional context.

In a career Tarot spread, the reversed Three of Swords suggests the resolution of a tense work situation and the emergence of optimism. Your mood may improve, and the workplace atmosphere becomes more positive and harmonious. Perhaps the cause of tension has been removed from the organization, fostering a sense of compassion, healing, and teamwork. On the other hand, this card in reverse may indicate that an already challenging work situation is deteriorating further.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

In a health Tarot reading, the reversed Three of Swords may signify a positive recovery from illness, surgery, or health conditions. You should be feeling more optimistic about your potential for improvement or healing. Alternatively, this card in reverse could suggest that excessive anxiety is exacerbating any health issues you may be facing. It’s important not to let fear overwhelm you; seek professional assistance if needed.

Three of Swords: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with the Three of Swords tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a No as the answer. When this tarot card emerges in your reading, it predominantly indicates a sense of loss and detachment. It’s advisable to proceed with deliberate planning rather than making impulsive decisions at this juncture.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a Yes as the answer. The Three of Swords suggests a potent feeling of healing and rejuvenation. Despite the potential presence of challenging past experiences, exciting times lie ahead.

Timing: Three of Swords Card Meaning

The Three of Swords suggests that a significant idea or realization will manifest internally and remain in your thoughts for a period of time, possibly over the next several hours, days, or even months, with notable dates including around the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of a month.

It’s essential to understand that whatever you’re contemplating will eventually come to fruition, whether it unfolds swiftly or lingers for a while. When it comes to timing in tarot readings, it’s helpful to consider the numerical significance of the card and anticipate events at least one cycle later. Timing plays a crucial role in interpreting tarot cards and understanding their implications.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.