
The Tower – An In Depth Look

The Tower (Upright) Meaning

Anticipate the unexpected, encompassing significant change, upheaval, devastation, and turmoil when The Tower card emerges in a Tarot reading. This could manifest as a breakup, the loss of a loved one, financial ruin, health issues, a natural disaster, job loss, or any other traumatic experience that leaves you feeling physically, intellectually, and spiritually shaken. Change is inevitable, poised to disrupt everything and create chaos, yet rest assured, it’s ultimately for the best. Life has a way of knocking you off your feet just when you feel secure and at ease.

A bolt of clarity and understanding obliterates the lies and delusions you’ve been feeding yourself, allowing the truth to emerge. You might realize that your existence has been built on shaky foundations, such as incorrect assumptions, mistruths, illusions, and blatant falsehoods. This revelation can lead to your world crumbling in unexpected ways. Everything you thought to be true may be proven false, leaving you uncertain about what is genuine and trustworthy. Questioning your fundamental beliefs can be confusing and disconcerting.

However, with time, you’ll come to recognize that your previous ideas were based on erroneous assumptions, and your current beliefs offer more accurate reflections of reality. Allowing this self-destructive process to unfold enables you to rebuild and refocus, ultimately the wisest course of action. Facing the chaos and devastation brought by The Tower requires acceptance, acknowledging that change, even when painful or unwelcome, happens for a reason. Trust that life is unfolding for you, not against you, and this upheaval serves as an opportunity for your soul’s growth.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

If you are in a relationship and undergo a love tarot card reading, The Tower may present a challenging omen indicating potential breakups, separation, or divorce. It could metaphorically represent you, your partner, or both going through a difficult or intense experience that strains your relationship to its limits. To weather this Tower incident, it’s crucial to actively support each other and maintain open communication. The Tower forewarns that enduring this turmoil will significantly alter your partnership. However, as The Tower also symbolizes the removal of false beliefs, this transformation may not necessarily be negative. The relationship may emerge radically changed but with a stronger and more authentic foundation.

If you are single, The Tower may compel you to confront a uncomfortable truth about your single status suddenly. If ego or arrogance has hindered your ability to form meaningful connections, a chaotic or catastrophic event may shatter these barriers. While not enjoyable, this experience can foster humility and increase your chances of building successful, enduring relationships in the future. When venturing out to meet new people, it’s crucial to prioritize safety, as The Tower can also indicate aggression or attack. Be prudent and take necessary precautions without being overly cautious.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

The Tower advises caution in financial matters, signaling a potential financial crisis, even bankruptcy in its most severe form. It warns against risky investments and suggests the importance of saving money for unforeseen circumstances. Immediate action is urged to establish a financial safety net, especially if there are indications of an impending financial upheaval. In the worst-case scenario, the Tower predicts a catastrophic event that may lead to a sudden loss of resources.

These warnings serve as reminders to build a robust support network and prioritize what matters most. The upright Tower card implies potential losses rather than gains in terms of valuables, including healthcare funds or retirement plans. It suggests a tendency toward resource squandering, making impulsive purchases without careful consideration. It advises adopting a more cautious approach, researching products thoroughly before making significant investments.

Career (Upright) Meaning

The Tower may indicate a lack of job stability in a professional setting, potentially leading to job loss or significant changes in your current position. This upheaval could cause tension and challenges but might ultimately result in a better position or increased security. For example, a company acquisition could initially create worry but lead to a more secure role in the long run. Your profession may be undergoing considerable stress, with the Tower suggesting sudden job loss or acquiring a new position that brings unforeseen responsibilities.

Workplace disruptions may be triggered by external factors like a change in leadership or the passing of a colleague. Despite current challenges, it’s important to recognize that these short-term issues could pave the way for a more promising future, such as an improved career or a more peaceful work environment. Clear communication and careful choice of words are crucial during this period. The Major Arcana tarot card may also indicate a job that becomes monotonous, making it challenging to stay focused due to boredom and exhaustion.

Health (Upright) Meaning

Be vigilant about your safety and well-being, as The Tower may indicate a sudden illness or accident in a health context. When paired with pregnancy cards, it can signify a challenging pregnancy, loss, abortion, or stillbirth. The Tower is also indicative of mental health issues, aligning with the intense emotional anguish often associated with Tower experiences. While health difficulties associated with The Tower are complex, they are often followed by a period of rejuvenation. If health issues necessitate changes in your life, try to embrace them with a positive attitude, as they may ultimately lead to positive outcomes.

The Tower can be likened to a powerful storm that demolishes your home, revealing the vulnerability of what you thought was secure ground. Despite dealing with pain, loss, grief, anger, and uncertainty, this devastating event allows you to rebuild a stronger foundation for a better future. In a spiritual context, The Tower represents the overthrow of conventional wisdom, whether through a personal spiritual crisis or a revelation that prompts a reevaluation of your entire worldview.

The Tower – (Reversed) Meaning

You might be undergoing a significant period of personal transition and upheaval with The Tower Reversed. Unlike The Tower Upright, where the transformation is often driven by external factors and may feel imposed upon you, The Tower Reversed suggests that you are initiating the change and challenging your core beliefs, principles, and purposes. This may lead to a spiritual awakening as you explore a new spiritual path, realizing that you can no longer sustain previous models and prompting a shift in your thoughts and attitudes on important matters.

In more extreme cases, you may experience an existential crisis, questioning the meaning of your life fervently. While this can be a challenging moment, trust in the outcome and believe that everything will ultimately work out for the best. By instigating change and transformation, you are transitioning into a new and improved version of yourself. Occasionally, The Tower (reversed) may indicate that you are delaying necessary disruption and upheaval due to a fear of change.

You might be in denial about the ongoing change or holding onto old beliefs, even though you recognize they are no longer true or beneficial. Enduring this challenging period is necessary for gaining insight and progressing in your life, even if it may be uncomfortable. Keep in mind that resisting this shift will only intensify its impact on your life. The Tower card is a force for change and progress that cannot be ignored or concealed; instead, it will persist and potentially cause more disruption if you resist it.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

In a romantic context, The Tower reversed suggests that you might be prolonging the inevitable end of your relationship, knowing that it’s almost over, but hesitating to terminate it due to the anticipated pain it will cause. Attempting to patch up the gaps in the relationship might be akin to applying bandages to serious wounds. It’s crucial to face the truth and recognize that holding onto a damaged relationship hinders your ability to move on to something better. The reversed Tower advises against trying to restore the connection to its previous state after surviving a Tower event – it has changed, and going back is not an option.

For those who are unmarried, The Tower reversed could indicate that you’ve been fortunate to avoid a potentially harmful union with someone who might be violent, abusive, or dangerous. It may also suggest that you’re postponing or completely avoiding dealing with a catastrophic or unpleasant breakup. While avoiding the situation might seem easier than confronting past experiences, it ultimately hinders your progress in romantic relationships. Confront whatever you’re avoiding, extract valuable lessons, and then move forward by leaving it behind in the past.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

The reversed Tower carries the same financial implications, suggesting that you might be avoiding a financial catastrophe, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you should continue doing so. Instead of constantly exerting effort to prevent an impending negative event, it may be worth considering allowing it to happen, dealing with it, and moving forward. For example, losing your job might provide you with the time and motivation to start your own business, even though it may be daunting, stressful, and challenging.

If you’ve been struggling to make payments on a property you can no longer afford, returning the keys to the lender and opting for renting could be a viable option. Taking a moment to find relief if you’ve managed to steer yourself away from financial peril is advised. The Tower (reversed) suggests that accepting the reality of an impending change may be more beneficial for your progress. For instance, if you narrowly avoided bankruptcy by paying down your debt for this quarter, it might be simpler and better for your long-term well-being to acknowledge your situation and consider filing for bankruptcy. Similarly, if you bought a house you can’t afford, selling it could be a wiser choice than struggling to make mortgage payments that are pushing you into financial distress. This way, you avoid perpetual struggles and have the opportunity for a fresh start.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

The reversed Tower in a work context may imply that you are holding onto your position despite facing adversity, possibly to avoid job loss. However, it’s essential to consider whether maintaining this status quo is genuinely in your best interest. If you find yourself feeling sad or unsatisfied despite avoiding what you believe would be a career disaster, it may be worth exploring new challenges outside your familiar environment.

While you might have successfully navigated through challenging circumstances at work, such as surviving layoffs or redundancies, this can bring a mix of relief and a lack of true work fulfillment. The Tower (reversed) could serve as a wake-up call, urging you to break free from the security of routine employment. This opportunity might be what you need to explore alternative possibilities and discover what else could be available to you.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

In a health context, The Tower reversed may suggest that you could be overlooking a disease or symptom, hoping it will resolve on its own. It’s crucial to address this directly to give yourself the best chance for healing. Alternatively, it might indicate that a health concern turns out to be more serious, allowing you to avert a potential crisis. Ignoring health issues won’t lead to a resolution, so it’s time to take proactive steps. Whether it’s incorporating a bit of exercise into your routine, walking, gardening, or enhancing your living space, small changes can make a significant impact.

In a spiritual context, the reversed Tower signifies the struggle to let go of long-held beliefs, even when recognizing they are no longer valid. There might be a fear of uncertainty without these convictions or concerns about facing criticism from those who still adhere to such ideas. To progress and find your authentic spiritual path, it’s essential to confront the truth and release what no longer serves you. While the process may be challenging, the effort will prove worthwhile in the end..

The Tower Card: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with The Tower tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a No as the answer.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a Yes as the answer

Timing: The Tower Card Meaning

The Tower represents a significant concept that is now in effect, and an event may unfold within the next one to fourteen days. If your question pertains to the timing of this event, the Tower suggests that what you desire or inquire about will manifest gradually. The card portrays a constant but potent flow, and the progression can be measured in weeks, specifically around the tenth, fourteenth, and eighteenth days of each month.

This Major Arcana card signifies the freedom to flourish in the present moment without being burdened by the past. You have liberated yourself from all constraints and discovered your true identity. The Tower indicates a profound sense of liberation starting from within and radiating outward. This development may unfold in the coming days or weeks.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.