
The Sun – An In Depth Look

The Sun (Upright) Meaning

The Sun card in the upright position represents success, brilliance, and abundance. It brings courage and assures you that your vibrant and positive energy will be a constant companion, bringing joy and pleasure to your endeavors. Your optimistic attitude and warm presence attract others, and this radiant energy is instrumental in helping you navigate through challenges. Embracing this lovely and loving energy allows you to share your best qualities and achievements with those around you. Shine your identity, values, and affection on the people you care about, fostering a positive and uplifting environment.

According to the predictions, The Sun tarot card brings the assurance you’ve been anticipating if you’ve faced challenges: things are about to significantly improve! Overcoming obstacles has taught you about yourself and your life’s purpose. Now, you’re filled with energy and enthusiasm for the future, envisioning success and prosperity coming your way. With a strong sense of confidence, you believe that everything will work out wonderfully. It signifies the promise of a wonderful life ahead.

Furthermore, this tarot card connects you to your source of power, the abundant inner energy that radiates from within you, as opposed to ego-driven, fear-based power. It encourages you to authentically express your true self and remain fully conscious of the world around you. This powerful energy is felt in your Solar Plexus chakra. The card urges you to share your energy and abilities with the world, as you possess what others seek. To channel your power positively, tap into it and employ your Divine will.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

If you are in a romantic relationship, The Sun in a relationship tarot card reading signifies immense joy and satisfaction. It indicates a period when your relationship is positive, passionate, and enjoyable. Furthermore, the Sun’s upright position illuminates everything, including relationships, suggesting that any hidden issues may come to the surface. The Sun has the power to resolve and bring an end to any revealed problems for the overall benefit of the relationship. This could lead to increased honesty and openness or, in some cases, the end of the relationship to pave the way for something better. Confirming cards can provide more insights. Regardless of the outcome, The Sun promises something wonderful and positive for your romantic life.

The Sun card may also predict celebrations, such as a proposal or wedding. For those who are single, The Sun suggests the potential for a fantastic relationship in the future. It can also indicate a period of enjoying the carefree aspects of being single. If pregnancy is a consideration, The Sun is one of the significant Tarot deck signs; however, it’s essential to take necessary precautions if you’re not ready for parenthood.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

In financial matters, The Sun (upright) signifies abundance, suggesting that your financial situation is likely to be thriving. This is a positive omen for all your business endeavors, financial investments, and money-making projects, indicating success. It’s advisable to allocate a portion of your wealth to address any hidden debts that may surface during this time. Your financial situation is expected to be not only favorable but also comfortable. The Sun card brings a sense of gratitude, abundance, and joy, and this holds true for a financial tarot reading as well. Moreover, the Sun illuminates hidden aspects, bringing transparency to any financial elements that may have been kept secret.

When The Sun appears upright in a financial reading, it indicates a secure financial status, which is excellent news. Financial rewards for your dedication and enthusiasm in your work are anticipated when the Sun is present. For those who are self-employed, it might suggest opportunities for a promotion or the initiation of a new business venture. If you’ve been prudent with your finances, The Sun signals the gradual attainment of financial independence. Reflect on your success and let the memories of challenging times motivate you moving forward.

Career (Upright) Meaning

In the realm of career and work, The Sun from the Major Arcana tarot signifies tremendous success in your job. Your outlook will be optimistic, and you’ll be enthusiastic about the positive changes coming your way. Whether you are considering a job change or not, The Sun is a positive career indicator, signaling the accomplishment of goals and overall success. When this card appears, things are expected to run smoothly at work. It may also indicate your growth into a skilled professional or an authority in your field, reaching a significant level of expertise in your line of work. For those currently in school, it could signify obtaining a college scholarship or other forms of financial assistance.

Wherever its light shines, The Sun brings happiness, achievement, and success to your professional life. You may be experiencing a period of intense excitement, motivation, and satisfaction in your career. This fulfillment extends to both material and spiritual aspects of your professional life. Your joy and optimism radiate, fostering a positive atmosphere among friends, family, and coworkers. Your persistent optimism serves as an asset in achieving your work objectives, whether it involves seeking a new position or aiming for a promotion.

Health (Upright) Meaning

As the card of energy, the Sun should imbue you with a sense of vitality, balance, optimism, and well-being when it appears in your tarot reading. If you’ve recently experienced illness, the Sun is indicative of improved health. Your excellent self-control and attention to your well-being should lead to enhanced physical and mental states. The Sun symbolizes that your commitment to your spiritual path is nurturing the growth of your inner wisdom. If you’ve been working on developing your spiritual abilities, you may see the positive results of your efforts in better management of your talents. In an upright position, The Sun, one of the major pregnancy cards, is also a favorable sign if you’re trying to conceive.

In a spiritual context, The Sun Major Arcana card illustrates the joy that comes from the journey towards enlightenment. It represents a state of enlightenment where you have reached true understanding, awareness, and contentment after overcoming the challenges presented by the Major Arcana. You are mindful of your journey and content to let events unfold in their own time, demonstrating complete trust in the universe’s benevolence and the path it is guiding you on.

The Sun – (Reversed) Meaning

When The Sun card appears reversed in a tarot reading, it’s a call from your inner child urging you to let go. Adults often lose sight of the joy in life amid the daily chaos. Watching a child play reveals the delight and wonder that life holds when you choose to let go of worries and fears. Consider The Sun Reversed as a green light to take a break from responsibilities, even if only for a short period.

Allow your soul and heart to soar freely—dance and sing without any reservations. If the sun is reversed, you might find it challenging to see the positive side of life. Setbacks may have dampened your enthusiasm and optimism, making you question your ability to achieve your goals. You may feel disheartened or disconnected, losing enjoyment in your pursuits. The future direction might appear unclear or distorted. However, The Sun is rarely a negative card, indicating this is likely a temporary situation.

With determination, you can overcome the obstacles you perceive, even if it requires a bit more effort than usual. Alternatively, you might be overly optimistic or self-assured. Despite your confidence, egocentricity may blind you to your potential. Are you being truthful with yourself and others? Or are you underselling yourself by overestimating your abilities? Seek feedback and perspective from others if this resonates with you.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

In a romantic context, The Sun reversed may indicate feelings of abandonment or a loss of spark in your relationship. It could suggest a relationship that has lost its passion or a postponed wedding. There might be challenges in envisioning a future together, and elements of competition or a desire to one-up each other could be present. Spending quality time together, focusing on the positive aspects of your relationship, and recalling the reasons you started dating can help. For singles, it may signal that an inflated ego is deterring potential partners. Humbling yourself and being genuine will likely yield better results.

Even with challenges, The Sun reversed suggests that there’s a silver lining. If everything seems fine but there’s a sense of boredom, it may be due to assumptions or mundane routines causing a drift. Spending more quality time together can reignite the passion. Whether upright or reversed, The Sun prompts reflection on what drew you to your partner and what aspects of your relationship bring gratitude.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

In a business tarot card reading, The Sun reversed may signal potential challenges. Investments might lose value or you could face temporary financial difficulties. It prompts a serious consideration of your financial concerns, urging you to address any issues that may be your responsibility. The reversed Sun Tarot card often suggests that financial troubles may be temporary and not as severe as initially perceived. Ensure that your current financial decisions are well-thought-out and based on sound reasoning.

This card may also caution against excessive idealism and unrealistic expectations. It serves as a warning to business owners not to compromise on standards, as it can lead to poor work, low quality, rushed labor, or poorly managed projects, resulting in a damaged reputation or lost sales. For employees, it advises maintaining focus to avoid financial losses from failed projects. On the flip side, The Sun reversed may indicate overextending oneself or becoming a workaholic, emphasizing the importance of maintaining balance.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

The Sun reversed may indicate a sense of confinement or feeling trapped in your professional life. However, there’s a possibility to break free from this limitation. It could be that you are working long hours, feeling exhausted, yet not taking the necessary time off to recharge. In a career context, the reversed Sun Tarot card may suggest that success seems elusive due to a lack of self-confidence or missed opportunities. Unrealistic job expectations or relying solely on optimism without practical steps could be contributing factors.

This card may also point to a competitive work environment where arrogance or competitiveness is valued. Despite its reversed position, the Sun still promises positive outcomes, but these may be obscured by an individual’s inability to recognize and perceive the opportunities present. The Sun advises that finding happiness may be as simple as removing the clouds and acknowledging what you already have, especially if you’ve been feeling down or pessimistic about your work situation. If you’re feeling depleted, addressing this with your workplace could lead to the rest you need. If you believe your compensation is inadequate, bringing it to the attention of your superiors may pave the way for a well-deserved promotion.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

The Sun reversed may suggest that a negative mindset or pessimism could be exacerbating health issues in a health reading. While healing is possible if you’ve become unwell, taking control of your rehabilitation and maintaining a positive mindset are crucial for improving your health. In terms of pregnancy, the reversed Sun might predict difficulties such as a challenging or unexpected pregnancy, a miscarriage, a stillbirth, or an abortion.

The reversed Sun can also indicate an unhealthy preoccupation with your physique, leading to detrimental practices like restrictive behaviors or excessive bodybuilding. On the other hand, it might suggest neglecting your health through poor nutrition, inactivity, substance abuse, or overeating. In either case, the message is clear: finding a healthy balance is essential for long-term well-being.

If the Sun is in reverse, it could imply difficulty in embracing the joy that faith offers. You may feel uncertain about your future, perceiving a lack of love from the world. Overwhelming negative thoughts might make you unsure about the direction your life is taking. Additionally, the reversed Sun suggests that biases could be hindering your connection with your true spiritual nature, emphasizing the need to release these hindrances to achieve enlightenment.

The Sun Card: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with The Sun tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a Yes as the answer.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a No as the answer

Timing: The Sun Card Meaning

When inquiring about the timing of an event, The Sun tarot card suggests that it will occur during the Aries season. Within the upcoming four weeks, there is a possibility of an unexpected event and the realization of a secret prophecy. The card indicates that if you are uncertain about the timing of something, it will unfold gradually, with a continuous and potent flow of development.

The Major Arcana tarot card also foretells a sense of being cherished, admired, supported, and in control due to the positive events in your life. It signifies the completion of relationship-related tasks and hints at potential connections. The perceived delay in the timing of these events should be viewed positively, considering it an excellent card if you have concerns about the passage of time.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.