
The Moon – An In Depth Look

The Moon (Upright) Meaning

The upright Moon tarot card symbolizes the emergence of worries and illusions stemming from the fear of past experiences, influencing your perception of the present and future. Emotional distress caused by suppressed traumatic memories may resurface, affecting you on both subconscious and conscious levels. For example, if you neglected to address the emotional aftermath of a car accident in your youth, you might experience sadness or anxiety when sitting in the backseat of a vehicle. Connect with your subconscious mind to release concerns hindering your progress, using methods such as hypnosis, counseling, or shamanic healing.

The Moon’s upright position suggests an environment of unpredictability and delusion, where appearances can be deceiving. When encountering The Moon, exercise patience in decision-making, as later revelations might expose gaps in your initial understanding. Rely on your intuition to grasp the true nature of situations, emphasizing feeling over analysis. Discard conscious mental barriers and self-defeating thoughts, allowing your instincts to guide you. By attentively interpreting the messages from your subconscious, dreams, intuitions, and inner guidance, you can attain deeper insights and understanding.

Incorporate lunar phases into your life when The Moon card appears in your tarot reading. Utilize rituals, imagination, or Tarot readings to attune yourself to the divine power of the Moon. Connect with the divine feminine to gain profound intuitive insights and glimpses beyond ordinary life. Align your goals with the New Moon, celebrating achievements during the Full Moon, and releasing what no longer serves you to make room for new aspects of your identity to flourish.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

Receiving the Moon tarot card in a love and relationship reading may imply a sense of unease or discomfort within your relationship. Despite external appearances of a thriving relationship, the Moon suggests potential communication issues, unresolved problems, or hidden insecurities. It advises against hasty conclusions, as the card may also signify elements of dishonesty. It’s essential to maintain composure and observe the situation until more details become apparent.

For singles, the Moon warns of potential deception or the spreading of false information. When dating someone, it’s crucial to be aware that the person may not have the best intentions, and there could be undisclosed aspects of their character. The card hints at undiscovered knowledge that may come to light.

A relationship tarot reading with the Moon indicates a period of emotional confusion. Misunderstandings abound, and not everything is as it appears. To unravel the situation, it’s necessary to invest effort in understanding the intentions of both parties and exploring your own feelings, goals, and motivations. The Moon cautions against clouded judgment influenced by outdated attitudes, beliefs, or concepts.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

Regarding finances, The Moon advises against making investments or taking significant risks, as you may lack essential information for making prudent decisions. It also serves as a warning that someone might be attempting to deceive you out of money. While it’s important not to become overly suspicious, trusting your instincts is crucial. If something appears too good to be true, it likely is. The Moon suggests that your current knowledge is incomplete, making it less than ideal for making major financial decisions. Feel free to conduct thorough research and ask questions before committing to any financial choices, as this will lead you to a more informed conclusion. Financial uncertainty and confusion may be prevalent during this time.

This card may occasionally allude to irresponsible money management. It emphasizes the importance of understanding your financial inflows and outflows, even if it may be unsettling. Confronting financial realities and spending wisely is advised. Saving for unforeseen expenses can prove beneficial. The Major Arcana card also warns of the possibility of encountering individuals attempting to defraud you financially. Taking a step back and evaluating your overall approach to money is advisable if this resonates with you.

Career (Upright) Meaning

If the Moon Tarot card emerges in a context related to your professional life, it may evoke feelings of uncertainty or concern about your career path. Communication challenges with colleagues or superiors might lead to workplace issues or misunderstandings. Another possibility is a lack of complete information, as someone may be withholding crucial details, leaving you unsure about decision-making. Your current professional trajectory may be marked by uncertainty, with unclear objectives or a sense of direction. Additionally, workplace tension might arise due to ambiguity surrounding project goals or individual roles.

Clear communication becomes crucial in such times, with a need to repeat information to avoid misunderstandings. Alternatively, you might realize that you lack essential knowledge for making informed career decisions. Seeking assistance to shed light on the facts is advisable. Neglecting attention to work or education may make your path to success seem fragile. Despite harboring aspirations for success, a lack of motivation to invest necessary effort can be apparent. Unrealistic expectations of success sometimes contribute to this, as the hard work involved is often overlooked in favor of focusing solely on the end result.

Health (Upright) Meaning

In a wellness-related reading, an upright Moon card may signify mental health challenges such as depression or anxiety. It serves as advice to trust your instincts regarding your health. If you suspect underlying health issues, the Moon suggests seeking a checkup and insisting on all necessary tests to identify the root cause of your symptoms. In a woman’s horoscope, the Moon might indicate hormonal imbalances or health issues related to the menstrual cycle. It could also signal that sincere efforts toward increased activity or better health are lacking and need immediate attention. If you’re following an unrealistic exercise routine, it’s advisable to set achievable goals and proceed gradually.

The Moon card can also hint at potential issues or complications with pregnancy, serving as a potent warning against irresponsible use of drugs or alcohol. Given its significance in spiritual matters, pulling The Moon in a tarot session suggests an excellent time for psychic growth or healing work. It indicates receptivity to messages from the spirit world, making intuitive insights more accessible. Paying attention to thoughts, images, or gut instincts is encouraged, as they could be guidance from your spirit guides.

The Moon – (Reversed) Meaning

The Reversed Moon suggests that you are currently grappling with delusions, anxieties, and worries, and the adverse effects of these energies are gradually diminishing. You are successfully overcoming concerns and fears, learning to liberate yourself from restrictive ideas and their impact on your life. This experience is genuinely liberating and transformative. However, there might be a tendency to push these emotions further into your mind to avoid confronting your darker shadows. By suppressing feelings and pretending that nothing is wrong, you may temporarily find relief, but ultimately, the need to face these emotions will resurface.

Allow your soul and heart to soar freely—dance and sing without any reservations. If the sun is reversed, you might find it challenging to see the positive side of life. Setbacks may have dampened your enthusiasm and optimism, making you question your ability to achieve your goals. You may feel disheartened or disconnected, losing enjoyment in your pursuits. The future direction might appear unclear or distorted. However, The Sun is rarely a negative card, indicating this is likely a temporary situation.n its reversed position, the Moon may also indicate that you are receiving psychic and intuitive messages, but interpreting their meaning proves challenging. The message might be unclear, or your understanding may differ from other interpretations. The guidance is to focus on your internal voice rather than external influences. Trust that you already possess the solutions you seek and rely on your inner guidance system. Since many subconscious messages come through dreams, pay careful attention to them and maintain a daily journal. If interpretation difficulties persist, jot down the messages for later reflection when you have more time.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

In a relationship context, a reversed Moon may indicate the revelation of deceit or treachery, potentially bringing to light an affair or exposing the true reality of the relationship. It suggests that there might have been self-deception regarding the relationship’s well-being or overlooking certain aspects of your partner. The reversed Moon implies a forthcoming discovery of the truth about your connection or your partner’s genuine nature. For those unmarried, it signals the initiation of restoring calm and self-assurance after a challenging period. Additionally, it could signify overlooking clues or ignoring gut feelings about a potential partner.

Consider a scenario where warning signs about your current partner’s engagement or involvement exist but are deliberately ignored. The reversed Moon suggests that misunderstanding and deceit may be present, emphasizing the importance of relying on your gut instincts, as you may lack complete knowledge at this time. Assessing the honesty in your relationship becomes crucial—both in what you communicate and what your partner conveys. While lying can sometimes stem from good intentions, such as sparing feelings, hiding the truth is not advisable.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

When faced with financial uncertainty, a reversed Moon suggests that clarity may emerge, especially if you’ve been uncertain about how to manage your financial situation. If your instincts advise against a particular investment or financial commitment, it’s crucial to heed them. The reversed Moon hints at the potential exposure of fraud, urging you to be patient until the necessary knowledge becomes clear. Ideally, this position of the Moon indicates gaining a comprehensive understanding of your financial status and objectives, empowering you to make confident decisions for your future.

The reversed Moon may imply self-deception regarding your wealth. While keeping concerns separate from intuition, pay attention to your instincts. It encourages taking proactive steps to secure your financial future. Whether contemplating a home purchase or awaiting news on a housing approach, the reversed Moon suggests positive developments in your financial realm. With careful planning and budget adherence, your efforts will significantly impact your financial situation, leading to favorable outcomes.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

In the realm of artistic or imaginative industries, the reversed Moon may symbolize a creative block, such as writer’s block, impacting your professional life. It suggests that any ambiguity or instability experienced in your career is gradually stabilizing on a broader scale. This Major Arcana card indicates a forthcoming clarity, bringing a sense of certainty about your professional path if you’ve been recently uncertain. On one end of the spectrum, the reversed Moon signals a fading of the ambiguity and confusion in your workplace, leading to a clearer understanding of the direction you should be heading.

Conversely, the inverted Moon could signify a worsening situation, where misunderstandings and poor communication escalate into dishonesty, lies, and sabotage. Concerns and fears about your job or coworkers might materialize, leading to heightened suspicion, defensiveness, and protectiveness among everyone involved. Striking a balance becomes crucial in this scenario. Avoid hasty actions or snap judgments, as they can undermine the effectiveness of your work. The repercussions of one employee not pulling their weight may affect two coworkers. While the reversed Moon occasionally denotes a romantic relationship originating at work, it may also portend challenges for you in such situations.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

In the realm of health-related challenges, the reversed Moon can be a positive card, suggesting a potential decrease in mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. However, if accompanied by unfavorable cards, it may indicate difficulty distinguishing between reality and fiction or the deterioration of a condition involving delusions or paranoia. The reversed Moon often signifies a return to stability in overall health. If you’ve been awaiting test results or struggling with a diagnosis, this card suggests a rapid understanding of the underlying causes of your health problems. Bringing balance to these areas can provide the restorative boost you need.

The reversed Sun can also indicate an unhealthy preoccupation with your physique, leading to detrimental practices like restrictive behaviors or excessive bodybuilding. On the other hand, it might suggest neglecting your health through poor nutrition, inactivity, substance abuse, or overeating. In either case, the message is clear: finding a healthy balance is essential for long-term well-beingIn terms of medical care concerns, the reversed Moon assures a sense of security and suggests the emergence of a capacity for something greater after years of focusing on materialistic or surface aspects of life. It emphasizes that everything necessary for comfort is already present, prompting a call to broaden horizons and connect with the spiritual dimension. In a spiritual context, the reversed Moon may signify stifling, neglecting, or misinterpreting the lessons that the spirit is trying to convey. It could indicate a lack of alignment with psychic abilities or confusion in intuitive perceptions.

The Moon Card: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with The Moon tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a No as the answer.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a Yes as the answer

Timing: The Moon Card Meaning

If you’re curious about the timing of an event, the Moon suggests that what you desire or are concerned about will unfold gradually. The timing might be measured in months, with potential occurrences around the sixth, eleventh, and eighteenth of a month. This indicates that your wishes will materialize shortly and evolve into a consistent stream of positive outcomes. The Moon foretells that your emotions and understanding will be put into action, paving the way for the fulfillment of your dreams. This event could transpire in the coming days or weeks. Regardless of the exact day, this Major Arcana card assures that whatever you’ve asked for will manifest very soon. The Moon signifies a convergence of various events for the ultimate benefit of everyone involved. The good news may arrive in the spring or within a week.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.