
The Hermit – An In Depth Look

The Hermit (Upright) Meaning

In essence, when the Hermit Tarot card stands upright, it signals a forthcoming period marked by self-reflection, spiritual exploration, and heightened awareness. This phase may necessitate solitude to delve into a deeper understanding of your identity, providing a respite from daily routines to uncover your authentic spiritual essence. Contemplation on your values, life goals, and self-discovery becomes paramount. The Hermit card can also signify a withdrawal or isolation for healing after facing challenging circumstances. This Major Arcana card suggests a potential inclination towards antisocial behavior, indicating a preference for limited social interactions. The Hermit embodies maturity, insight, and wisdom, suggesting the possibility of seeking guidance from a therapist or psychiatrist. This is a moment to prioritize self-care.

The Hermit symbolizes a pause from routine activities, redirecting focus inward to unearth the sought-after answers within one’s soul. Recognizing that true wisdom resides within, the card encourages distancing oneself from external distractions. Leaving behind the ordinary, you embark on a journey of self-discovery, relying on inner guidance and knowledge. This juncture is opportune for activities such as a weekend retreat or a spiritual pilgrimage, providing a space for reflection on personal beliefs, goals, and principles. It is a time to draw closer to your authentic self.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

When the Hermit Tarot card appears in a romantic context and you are single, it signifies that you have successfully navigated a period of seclusion and solitude, which was crucial for healing from a painful breakup or past heartbreak. You are on the brink of embracing a new beginning, ready for a fresh start in your romantic life. Additionally, it may suggest a commitment to chastity or celibacy during this phase.

For individuals currently unattached, the Wheel of Fortune card in the upright position is a sign that the universe is orchestrating opportunities for you to find the love you truly deserve. However, if you tend to be introverted, it’s essential to recognize that good fortune in love requires some proactive effort. While shyness might hinder your approach, it doesn’t mean others won’t be interested in getting to know you. Embrace the positive changes the card signifies and consider putting yourself out there to attract new romantic experiences. Additionally, given that the Wheel of Fortune is associated with destiny, it may signify the potential for encountering a soulmate, suggesting that if you are single, you might cross paths with yours soon.In a relationship scenario, an upright Hermit may symbolize a partner who is older and wiser. It could also indicate a need for increased efforts to connect with your significant other, highlighting a potential imbalance where you and your partner spend too much time apart and insufficient time together.

Love, being one of life’s profound mysteries, serves as a profound teacher, offering insights into our desires, concerns, and insecurities. The Hermit tarot card’s love interpretation implies the importance of spending time alone to understand oneself before entering a committed romantic relationship. Despite the initial loneliness, this introspective period sets the stage for discovering the love meant for you. If you are already in a relationship, embarking on this self-discovery journey together is encouraged. It involves contemplating your relationship goals and sources of happiness, fostering open conversations that may feel awkward initially but serve as a solid foundation for addressing future challenges.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

Securing a livelihood through employment stands as a necessity for the majority of individuals, unless one is born into wealth or experiences a financial windfall. In all likelihood, dedicating a portion of your time to job hunting becomes essential. However, this doesn’t imply that your occupation should dominate your entire existence. The Hermit in the context of your profession might suggest that you are excessively fixated on your job, financial gains, and materialistic objectives, neglecting other aspects that contribute to your holistic well-being. It could also signify contemplation about a career change, acknowledging that money and consumerism no longer serve as sufficient motivators. This realization might prompt you to seek a new and more fulfilling career path. Financially, the present moment calls for increased responsibility in managing your expenditures and savings.

You might be awakening to the understanding that money alone doesn’t bring happiness. This phase could prompt a shift in focus away from materialistic pursuits, urging you to invest more effort in identifying sources of genuine fulfillment. Monetary gains may prove inadequate for long-term satisfaction, particularly if you find yourself in an uninspiring profession. It’s worthwhile to assess whether you are genuinely content with your current situation or merely maintaining the “status quo.”

Career (Upright) Meaning

At present, you may be taking a much-needed pause to contemplate your career objectives, sensing a lack of fulfillment and a realization that your current path may not align with your aspirations. Your focus is on identifying a type of work that brings holistic happiness, surpassing the previous considerations of financial gain or security that may have guided your choices. The qualifications that once sufficed for your professional pursuits are now deemed insufficient. Instead, you might be in search of a purpose or, at the very least, a direction that aligns with your true goals.

This essential period of reflection allows you to reassess your career goals, acknowledging potential dissatisfaction with your current trajectory and a recognition that it might not be the optimal fit for you.

The ongoing quest involves determining the kind of work that would bring you complete satisfaction, no longer tethered solely to financial motivations or stability. Whether it’s identifying a destination or a pathway, the focus is on finding a more meaningful direction. Take the time to evaluate whether your current work situation genuinely satisfies you. If the Hermit appears in a money and career reading, it may signal an overemphasis on your job, urging you to seek a balance that goes beyond being entirely consumed by material pursuits.

Health (Upright) Meaning

As per the Hermit, overexerting yourself can have detrimental effects on your well-being. The Hermit cautions that neglecting rest and rejuvenation, consistently maintaining a hectic pace without allowing time for respite, will adversely impact your health. It is advised to take a break, even dedicating a few minutes each day to practices like meditation or simply clearing your mind and attuning to your body can contribute positively to your health.

The Hermit suggests that surpassing your limits may compromise your health, particularly if you continuously navigate a busy schedule without moments for relaxation. Taking time to unwind and recharge becomes crucial.

Allow yourself a break. Spending a few minutes daily in meditation or simply quieting your mind to check in with your body can prove beneficial for your current state of health.

More than any other card in the deck, the Hermit is deeply connected to spirituality. Its primary message encourages turning inward to focus on spiritual growth and connecting with one’s higher self. If the Hermit emerges in your reading, dedicating time to spiritual activities like meditation, communicating with spirit guides, and exploring or utilizing crystals is emphasized. Given the personal nature of this process, taking some time for solitude is not necessarily a negative aspect.

The Hermit – (Reversed) Meaning

When the Hermit Tarot card appears in a reversed position, it signifies that you may have excessively isolated yourself or are on the brink of doing so. The inverted Hermit advises reintegrating into the world and connecting with those around you, even if solitude was once necessary or beneficial. While spending time in introspection and self-reflection can be advantageous in moderation, excessive isolation is cautioned against. This Major Arcana card, when reversed, suggests the need to leave past experiences behind and move forward. It may also indicate discomfort or unease in social situations, encouraging a return to social engagement without fear. Conversely, if The Hermit is reversed, it might imply avoiding self-reflection out of fear of what you might discover. This reversal could indicate being overly fixated on someone or something, or having rigid and constrained perspectives.

In the context of The Hermit Reversed, it suggests that you might be either dedicating too much or too little time to personal introspection. If you find it challenging to connect with your spiritual side, The Hermit Reversed recommends allocating more time for reflection and meditation. Now is the opportune moment to delve deeper within yourself, rediscovering your larger purpose. Perhaps you’ve neglected your inner voice amid the demands of daily life. The Hermit, in its reversed state, encourages a profound exploration of your soul to realign yourself and focus on spiritual rediscovery.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

In a love Tarot reading, the reversed Hermit strongly signals feelings of loneliness. If you’re currently in a relationship, this could imply that your partner is distancing themselves or shutting you out, possibly due to being preoccupied with other commitments. Despite being in a relationship, the sense of loneliness may persist. Alternatively, it may suggest a scenario where one partner is contemplating leaving while the other remains in the relationship. Reversing The Hermit can also indicate apprehension about being single and fearing abandonment, or it may signify missing an opportunity to connect with someone wonderful. When the Hermit is reversed, it could be a sign that it’s time to actively seek love after a period of being single. Overcoming fears involves putting yourself out there once again. If there’s been a recent breakup, the reversed Hermit may indicate a desire to rekindle the relationship with an ex.

Even if one believes they are not at fault for the relationship issues, there is an opportunity to learn from the experience. Recognizing that personal standards set the tone for how others treat us, it becomes crucial to reflect on what is deemed acceptable. For those who are single, Justice Reversed may indicate a readiness for a fulfilling relationship but a lack of absorption of lessons from past experiences, potentially leading to a repetition of mistakes. It may also signal a recurring imbalance in relationships, contributing to their breakdown.Another potential reason for relationship difficulties could be the resurgence of past mistakes due to current actions. If you are single and struggling to find love, it’s advisable to reflect on your past choices. Have you missed opportunities in love? If so, use these lessons to make informed decisions and give love another chance. Even with the reversed Wheel of Fortune tarot card, it’s crucial to seek compatibility rather than being swayed solely by physical appearance. Remember that setbacks are a part of the journey, and the reversed Wheel of Fortune Tarot card doesn’t signify despair. Instead, embrace the challenges and go with the flow.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

From a financial perspective, now presents an opportune moment to seek investment or financial guidance from a seasoned and mature individual. When it comes to money matters, it’s crucial not to involve yourself in situations that aren’t fully comprehended. You may be open to seeking external advice when making financial decisions. Ideally, after reflecting on the significance of financial and material security, you are now translating your insights into actionable steps. This shift should foster a more positive relationship with your financial circumstances.

When The Hermit appears in reverse during a money and financial tarot reading, it could suggest self-imposed limitations by resisting networking and stepping out of your comfort zone. Even if you prefer working independently, there are instances where collaboration and teamwork are essential for progress.If you find yourself facing financial constraints, prioritize saving money for your financial security. Remember that financial challenges, like any other difficulties, are temporary and serve as valuable lessons for the future.

If you are in pursuit of a new job, consider ways to break out of your shell, enhance visibility, or engage with others to broaden your ideas, offerings, and achievements. Additionally, the reversed card may indicate overthinking potential scenarios and harboring doubts about your ability to succeed in business or your current job. Questions may arise regarding the worthiness of your efforts and energy, as well as uncertainties about the ultimate success of your endeavors.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

In the context of one’s profession, if the reversed Hermit suggests that it’s time to transition from solitary work, consider actively engaging in networking and promoting yourself professionally. If working independently poses challenges for you, exploring team projects or taking on a consulting role may be beneficial, facilitating connections with other professionals in your industry.

The reversed Hermit may occasionally mark the conclusion of a reflective phase, signifying your readiness to re-enter the social and professional sphere now that you have clarified your career goals. Whether it involves seeking a new job, networking to find mentors and collaborators, or addressing the more social aspects of career advancement, it may be necessary to reassess your priorities. Conversely, if your period of solitude seems to be prolonging, there might be a tendency to distance yourself from teamwork entirely. While living independently might initially appear liberating, maintaining social support is crucial. The card can also indicate a scenario where you find yourself working alone, which can be isolating, or feeling like an outsider among your colleagues.

In essence, the reversed Hermit signifies emerging from a phase of introspection, with a newfound clarity that may prompt a reintegration into the professional and social realms.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

When the Hermit Tarot card is in a reversed position, it might signal mental health challenges, such as agoraphobia and paranoia. Additionally, it conveys a more direct message compared to the upright card, emphasizing the importance of relaxation for the sake of your health. Following the initial advice from the Hermit card can lead some individuals toward genuine happiness, especially considering the pervasive nature of work-related stress and worry that many of us contend with.

Juggling the demands of a full day, including work, chauffeuring your child to soccer practice, preparing dinner, and then collapsing in exhaustion, finding joy in the small things can become challenging. According to the card in your reading, there’s a risk of taking on too much and jeopardizing your well-being.

It’s essential to recognize that elevated stress levels and constant pressure can have adverse effects on health. Taking a step back to relax and reconnect with yourself is crucial. Investing time in an exercise routine, be it regular walks, meditation, or moments of quiet reflection, can contribute significantly to maintaining your mental health.

The reversed Hermit card might also suggest a need to reassess and improve your habits or acknowledge that your current health practices are no longer effective. This moment calls for making gradual adjustments to your health, understanding that significant and lasting changes take time to develop. Begin with small steps and progress at a pace that suits your needs.

The Hermit Card: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with The Hermit tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a Yes as the answer.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a No as the answer

Timing: The Hermit Card Meaning

The Hermit urges careful consideration of your options, recognizing that you’ve been juggling numerous responsibilities with little time for contemplation. Although you possess the ability to grasp the broader perspective, it’s essential to carve out some quiet moments for thoughtful deliberation on your upcoming decisions. Fifteen minutes locked in your room won’t yield the profound insights required for significant ideas; instead, you need an extended period of solitude to absorb and fully comprehend. The Hermit foretells the occurrence of a notable event in the coming 30 days.

Now is the time to communicate your need for solitude, informing others that you require space. Once adequately prepared, you’ll be better equipped to meet the needs of those around you. In the realm of psychic readings, the Hermit tarot card is deemed a slow card, with its impact extending over a period of up to six months, and its consequences often lingering for as long as a year and a half for the seeker.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.