
The Devil – An In Depth Look

The Devil (Upright) Meaning

The Devil Tarot card can signify feelings of sadness or addiction in a general sense, along with a sense of confinement or entrapment. In a tarot reading, this Major Arcana card suggests a perception of being restricted by external forces or circumstances beyond your control, leaving you with a sense of helplessness and victimhood. However, The Devil creates an illusion in this regard. You hold responsibility for your actions and are only limited by the attitudes and behaviors you choose to exhibit. Maintain your determination and resist relinquishing control. You are not obligated to tolerate negativity, criticism, deceit, or mistreatment from anyone.

Even when situations seem bleak, remember that you always have options and can take positive steps to improve your circumstances. Be mindful of how you treat others, ensuring that you are not trying to manipulate or control anyone in your life. The upright Devil in a Tarot reading may also indicate impulsive, compulsive, or secretive behavior, suggesting a loss of control. It may signal an unhealthy obsession with material possessions, status, or power—an embodiment of materialism. Redirect your focus toward things that bring genuine fulfillment, as material pursuits alone may not provide the satisfaction you seek.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

In a relationship context, The Devil may suggest feelings of entrapment for either you or your partner. This might arise from a loss of independence due to becoming overly involved in the romantic relationship, reflecting an unhealthy level of codependency. It is advisable to take a step back and rekindle interests outside the relationship. The card could also signify relationship challenges linked to mental health issues, in which case seeking the assistance of a qualified counselor is recommended to navigate through this tough period. The Devil Tarot card encompasses various negative emotions, including abuse, dominance, deceit, and jealousy.

In a love tarot reading, The Devil represents lust and temptation, suggesting a pursuit of satisfaction driven by hedonism and self-centered desires. It may also indicate a pursuit of life’s material pleasures under less severe circumstances. While having fun is acceptable, caution is needed to avoid causing harm or misleading others. Clear communication is crucial, especially if you are only seeking casual encounters. If someone decides that your lifestyle is not suitable for them, respect their decision without applying pressure. Effective communication becomes even more essential in these situations.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

The Devil Major Arcana tarot card suggests your diligent efforts to ensure all your bills are paid, indicating a need for financial juggling in the current tight situation. This card may also signal the necessity for crucial financial decisions, but the unpredictable nature of things might make you hesitant. Staying flexible and adaptable is key to handling the uncertainty effectively. In a tarot session, this card indicates your efforts to manage finances, balance books, and assess income, expenses, and profits.

When The Devil appears in your Tarot spread, it may suggest moving money to pay bills, requiring vigilance in monitoring your financial transactions. The card may also reflect stress or anxiety about significant financial decisions, which may seem overwhelming. However, maintaining composure and reason is emphasized, ensuring that any financial strain will be temporary. The Devil tarot card brings an uplifting message that, with resourcefulness and adaptability, you have the opportunity to succeed. Seize these chances and navigate through the challenges with confidence.

Career (Upright) Meaning

If the Devil tarot card appears in a career tarot reading, you might find yourself juggling multiple tasks simultaneously. The period may be busier than usual, with unexpected responsibilities thrown your way or a proactive effort on your part to enhance your status. Your ability to handle tasks and showcase resourcefulness might impress those around you. However, this is expected to be a temporary phase. Be cautious not to take on more than you can manage, and ensure that you are appropriately compensated if the workload persists.

The card may also suggest finding a balance between personal and professional goals. In a job Tarot reading, the Devil card might indicate the need to make a crucial business decision. For instance, you may be contemplating starting your own business or leaving a stable job for a new opportunity, and you’re uncertain about taking the risk. Embracing risk is inevitable in life, especially when pursuing worthwhile endeavors. Your focus should be on minimizing risks as much as possible before deciding if the potential rewards are worth it.

Health (Upright) Meaning

The Devil card suggests integrating personal, professional, and health responsibilities for overall well-being. It emphasizes the importance of dedicating time to maintain a balance between healthy eating, exercise, and other commitments. When embarking on a new health regimen, it’s advised to start gradually rather than attempting too much too soon. The Devil card symbolizes efforts to achieve equilibrium in various aspects of life, fostering spiritual growth and prosperity. It encourages an understanding that life encompasses more than material wealth and emphasizes the fulfillment derived from a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

Additionally, the card cautions against unnecessary stress and urges individuals to prioritize their well-being. Those receiving this card (upright) should exercise caution, especially on roads, as they may encounter challenges and be prone to accidents. It also warns against potential harm from sharp objects in the surroundings. Health enthusiasts may face distractions, emphasizing the need to maintain focus and alignment in various aspects of life.

The Devil – (Reversed) Meaning

In the reversed position, the Devil card suggests that you may be attempting to manage an excessive number of responsibilities in your life. Taking a brief pause to alleviate stress is essential. If the burden becomes too much, prioritize your well-being and allow yourself some breathing room. In a business context, the reversal of the Devil card can be seen as auspicious, warning against over committing and the challenges of maintaining a hectic schedule or meeting financial obligations.

To address this, consider implementing organizational tools such as budgets, to-do lists, advanced planning, a diary, and effective time management. Decline opportunities that no longer align with your goals. The reversed Devil card may also signify an imbalance in financial allocation, emphasizing the need to distribute resources more evenly. Feeling overextended, disorganized, and overwhelmed are indicated by the reversed Devil card, suggesting a struggle to maintain harmony in various aspects of life.

In this reversed position, the Devil card warns against making decisions under stress and advises preparing for uncertainties with backup plans. The reversed Devil card portrays the drawbacks of continuous imbalance, urging individuals to identify and correct imbalances in their lives. Developing strategies to reduce stress and promoting relaxation for the body and mind is encouraged when the Devil card appears reversed.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

When the reversed Devil card appears in a love tarot reading, maintaining a balance can become challenging. You may not be aware that your partner feels neglected amidst disputes and various demands. There might be underlying resentment, as your partner perceives other priorities overshadowing the relationship. For singles, this card suggests a need to choose between potential partners or indicates being too busy and overwhelmed to prioritize romance. Take your time and return when ready to make space for love in your schedule.

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Devil card implies that you are juggling too many responsibilities, neglecting your relationship. Distractions from work, finances, family, etc., may divert your focus, leading to strain and conflicts in the relationship. It could also signify a dilemma between two relationships, possibly involving an affair. For single individuals, the reversed Devil card suggests being too burdened with obligations to invest time in developing a new relationship.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

Facing limited resources can make it challenging to cover all expenses, creating a sense of financial struggle. From rent to groceries and utilities, it feels like money disappears rapidly. This situation is not uncommon. Scrutinize your budget or create one to identify potential savings. Explore side projects for extra income, consider asking for a raise, or seek professional advice to develop a financial plan. Learning to live within your means becomes crucial in managing your cash effectively. If needed, hiring a specialist can be advantageous in crafting a strategic financial plan.

The reversed Devil card emphasizes the importance of vigilance over your income and expenditures, particularly as overspending can become a significant issue when you’re pulled in various directions. In financial Tarot readings, the reversed Devil is not a positive sign, suggesting potential money losses and imprudent financial decisions. If you find that you’ve overspent and regret the financial waste, dwelling on past mistakes is unproductive. Instead, focus on learning from those errors and implement changes in your decision-making. Create a plan to alleviate debt if applicable and consider seeking professional guidance to navigate your financial situation.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

In a career Tarot spread, the reversed Devil card implies that you might be stretching yourself too thin and assuming too many responsibilities. Juggling numerous tasks simultaneously often leads to failure, so it’s crucial to establish priorities and, if feasible, delegate some of your workload. Actively seek opportunities to reduce your workload or organize tasks more efficiently. If you’re already experiencing the consequences of taking on too much, acknowledge that you cannot change the past. Instead, focus on learning from your experiences and moving forward with the wisdom gained.

Take a break, reassess your priorities, and then restart with a more organized and thoughtful approach. Facing imminent deadlines and enduring consistent pressure, your job might be a source of considerable stress at the moment. It’s crucial to advocate for yourself, seek support, renegotiate deadlines, and prioritize tasks. If you’re not cautious, things might fall through the cracks, leading to additional challenges. The sooner your employer or colleagues recognize your humanity, the smoother the situation will be for everyone involved.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

In the realm of health, the reversed Devil card suggests that you might be overextending yourself in other areas of your life, posing a risk to your well-being. Juggling too many responsibilities could lead to physical ailments or injuries, fueled by heightened stress and anxiety. If this resonates with you, it’s essential to take a break and prioritize self-care. Remember that maintaining good health is crucial, and neglecting it can affect your ability to support others. In a spiritual context, the reversed Devil card indicates a lack of balance in your spiritual practices, potentially impeding your progress along your spiritual journey.

This situation may arise from an excessive focus on your career, wealth accumulation, or the pursuit of numerous goals, leading to over extension. Achieving balance among your mind, body, and soul requires dedicating time to self-care. Taking preventive measures to avoid a decline is essential. If you’re not already engaged in physical activity, consider starting as soon as possible. Refrain from over committing and trust that with the right efforts and mindset, things will improve. Ignore distractions from people or situations and stay focused on your well-being and goals.

The Devil Card: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with The Devil tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a Maybe as the answer.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a No as the answer

Timing: The Devil Card Meaning

The Devil card predicts the implementation of a vital commitment to success. This occurrence is likely to unfold in the coming weeks or even years. When drawn in response to a timing-related question, the Devil card suggests that your desires or inquiries will be realized. However, the manifestation will take time, as the Earth element symbolizes gradual and steady growth.

It’s challenging to pinpoint an exact timeframe, but it could coincide with autumn or align with the zodiac seasons of Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. Alternatively, it might be measured in months, around the 2nd, 20th, or 29th of a month. Understanding that the subject of your inquiry is approaching steadily, though not hastily, allows you to gauge the timing. When using the Pentacles Suit for time determination, a prudent approach is to consider a timeframe of two to three months into the future.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.