
The Chariot – An In Depth Look

The Chariot (Upright) Meaning

The Chariot Tarot card depicts a triumphant sense of freedom, akin to the Charioteer being celebrated as a hero paraded through the streets. It serves as a symbol of power and expresses gratitude for a successfully completed task.

With its large wheels and spirited horses, the Chariot accelerates the manifestation of the driver’s willpower, providing ambitious individuals with the ability to seize control and open up new possibilities in the world. However, this newfound independence comes with a caveat, as the accelerated pace of change can magnify the impact of poor judgments. As a seasoned fighter, the Charioteer is obligated to pay careful attention to the path ahead.

The Chariot is a card emblematic of strength, willpower, and determination. Having learned to align choices with ideals through the guidance of the Lovers card, you are now taking decisive action based on those choices. In a Tarot reading, the appearance of the Chariot signifies encouragement – you have established your goals and are diligently working towards them, drawing upon your inner strength. Success is within reach if you employ discipline, commitment, and willpower to realize your objectives.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

Now is the opportune moment to take charge and define precisely what you desire in a romantic relationship. The Chariot tarot love meaning urges you to take decisive action once you have clarified your goal. Assuming control of your love life increases the likelihood of reaping rewards, with success being the outcome of courage, determination, and unwavering faith.

In the context of love, the interpretation of the Chariot tarot card may also imply the need to balance two conflicting forces, symbolized by the card’s two horses, as you strive towards your relationship goals. While these forces may pull you in different directions, maintaining control over them ensures that you stay on course and have a clear vision of the path ahead. Occasionally, this card may prompt reflection on past decisions, questioning whether they were well-balanced and if your relationship is suffering due to extensive work commitments. Are you sacrificing too much of your individuality for the relationship because of being overly absorbed in it? The Chariot encourages reclaiming control of your life and navigating with determination.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

It might be the opportune moment to address any financial challenges that have hindered your path to financial stability. The Chariot offers inspiration, determination, and focus to assist you in overcoming these difficulties. With ample self-control, you can achieve a sense of ease with your financial situation. If you have grappled with financial struggles or disorganization, the Chariot card suggests that now is the time to confront and resolve any lingering issues. It’s time to stop evading financial matters and confront them head-on. Additionally, the Chariot signifies an excellent period for making significant investments and purchases.

This card is indicative of a tendency to create tangible assets, particularly in the realm of real estate and private properties. Moreover, it implies the availability of sufficient funds and prudent investments that lead to positive outcomes. Establishing a home is the initial step, followed by enhancing financial standing for more substantial investments. In terms of financial gains, the Chariot is highly favorable when upright in financial spreads, showcasing the potential for luxurious and comfortable acquisitions, including vehicles.

Career (Upright) Meaning

If the Chariot emerges in your work-related tarot reading, your ambition is poised to propel you to great heights. Armed with a clear vision of your professional aspirations, you exhibit intense focus on attaining your goals. Your workplace motivation is likely at its peak, providing you with the necessary self-discipline, drive, and determination for success. Whether you are contemplating a job change or aiming for advancement in your current role, this card signals that the path is clear for you to pursue your objectives. It advises against workplace distractions, such as office politics or rivalries, urging you to maintain a concentrated focus on your tasks.

The Chariot signifies the realization of success, career progression, and the fulfillment of ambitions, all driven by the consultant’s unwavering determination and decisive actions. Additionally, it may suggest a journey or travel opportunity. In terms of academic pursuits, the card foretells positive outcomes, especially in reference to the imminent attainment of university diplomas or degrees. The tarot reading may also highlight beneficial prospects like job interviews, educational courses, or workshops that should not be overlooked. For athletes, particularly those engaged in competitive racing, the Chariot hints at imminent success on the horizon.

Health (Upright) Meaning

You will experience a renewed sense of determination and energy to address any health issues that may be depleting you. Despite potential challenges on your path to recovery, your resilience will prevail, allowing you to overcome these obstacles. The Chariot may also indicate concerns related to intestinal problems. It’s an opportune time to embark on a new exercise routine for improved well-being. When the Chariot enters the scene, both health and spirituality readings see positive enhancements. Regardless, the key message is that you must take proactive steps and drive change

Drawing inspiration from the fearless fighters of antiquity who led chariots into battle, you are urged to adopt a similar fearless approach in pursuing physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being. The ultimate victor in this endeavor is none other than yourself. This symbolism emphasizes a firm and decisive hand in effecting a shift and mastering the material aspects of your health. However, it also signifies that the learning process is ongoing and poised to transition into another facet of health understanding.

The Chariot – (Reversed) Meaning

When the Chariot card is reversed, it suggests a reluctance to seize control and take responsibility for propelling your life forward.

Despite being aware of your ability to bring about change, you have not committed to doing so. There might be seemingly valid reasons holding you back, but it’s crucial to acknowledge that alternative choices are available. Instead of attributing your circumstances to external factors, confront and take responsibility for your internal resistance. The reversal accentuates the Chariot’s powerful and dynamic nature, but in a less favorable light. The ongoing battle remains prominent, yet the reversed position may introduce challenges or require a substantial investment of effort. Unfavorable neighboring tarot cards could transform success into defeat, with endeavors at risk of failure. This period might involve inaction, a lack of control, or a dishonorable attempt to evade accountability.

The reversed Chariot position signifies the inefficacy of your current trajectory, akin to attempting to make a horse move in the opposite direction. It prompts you to scrutinize your life, identifying areas causing setbacks and recognizing instances where you are trying to move against the natural flow. Although the Chariot is still in motion, attempting to halt it may prove futile, emphasizing the inexorable progression of life regardless of your presence or efforts.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

In a reversed Chariot tarot love interpretation, there may be a heightened desire to experience love, potentially leading to the abandonment of other ambitions and goals. It’s crucial to acknowledge that perfection is unattainable, and despite efforts, one may never appear flawless to others. While maintaining optimism and enthusiasm is vital, so is exercising patience in the pursuit of love.

A reversed Chariot in love can also signal potential imbalances that necessitate additional effort to rectify. It’s essential to assess if you are overextending yourself in certain areas, potentially causing strain on work, relationships, family, and connections. Disagreements with your partner may be a recurring issue, creating a disruptive and unproductive relationship. In such cases, the constant debate may render the connection not worth the effort, leading to significant disruption and trivialization of life. It is advised to avoid such relationships, as they may alienate you from genuine friends. The reversed Chariot in love serves as an unfavorable omen, indicating that the relationship is likely doomed and will undergo a period of intense strain. It is advisable to consider ending the relationship to minimize further complications and losses.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

Exercise caution to avoid impulsive purchasing decisions. Ensure that you have all the necessary information to make well-informed choices. On the flip side, if you tend to be overly cautious with your finances, it might be hindering your ability to invest wisely

The reversed Chariot carries an opposite meaning to its upright counterpart, emphasizing a need to be more attentive to financial matters for different reasons. It suggests a slowdown in spending and encourages a more selective approach to purchases. The focus is on being mindful of the energy money represents and conserving it rather than rushing into expenditures.

The presence of major setbacks is highlighted, urging careful consideration and thorough assessment. As you approach the peak, the potential for a more abrupt decline becomes apparent. Both the Chariot card and Reversed Finance indicate that critical financial considerations may have been overlooked, emphasizing the importance of avoiding carelessness. A reevaluation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is essential. In reverse, the card’s forceful nature serves as a strong warning, prompting a meticulous examination of the future course during the due diligence process. No aspect should be left unexplored.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

When the Chariot is reversed, it may signify a lack of ambition, focus, or drive, or conversely, an excess of these qualities. This card prompts reflection on the intensity and assertiveness with which you pursue your goals. Are you passively waiting for things to unfold, assuming they will happen on their own? Alternatively, are you so determined to succeed that you might be disregarding others in the process? Both approaches can pose challenges, as being overly aggressive may lead to backlash, while excessive passivity may hinder your satisfaction and progress.

Major setbacks are emphasized in this scenario, requiring careful consideration. The descent becomes more turbulent as you approach the summit. The reversal of the Chariot suggests that certain crucial aspects of your job or business may be at risk. Similar to the upright position, carelessness can significantly undermine your endeavors. Hence, there is a need to reassess your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In its reversed state, the card’s forceful nature serves as a robust warning, urging a meticulous examination of the future course. Thorough due diligence is essential, leaving no stone unturned.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

The reversed Chariot in a health reading carries a message similar to the upright Chariot but with a heightened sense of urgency. It urges you to take immediate control of your health and seek assistance if necessary. Small health issues left unattended can rapidly escalate into more significant problems. Beyond the apparent sign of defeat, it indicates a lack of understanding regarding the body’s needs. While the health condition may not currently be severe, the potential for rapid deterioration exists. This is attributed to widespread misunderstandings, a lack of perspective, and an insufficient framework. Often, a lack of motivation to learn about oneself stems from relying too heavily on a single source of information.

When reversed, it points to a physical condition that is inadequate for the challenges ahead and is likely to lead to failure. It underscores how we perceive the world around us. In contrast to the upright position, which suggests a well-founded perspective, the reversed position implies a susceptibility to being easily misled and influenced by others, lacking a solid foundation for one’s beliefs or morals.

The Chariot Card: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with The Chariot tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a Yes as the answer.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a No as the answer

Timing: The Chariot Card Meaning

You are facing some challenging tasks ahead. While the Chariot is a potent card, and the work you are engaged in may be arduous and prolonged, there is a possibility of a swift resolution. Along the way, you may encounter challenging terrain, steep climbs, dead ends, and disheartening setbacks. The assurance of a happy conclusion is present only when the card is upright, but it’s crucial not to give up. This demanding journey will equip you with the determination, resilience, and confidence that come from accomplishing what others might abandon. Few forces can effectively oppose someone with such qualities.

This might be the right time to consider marriage or reconciliation. Despite a hint of natural pride in couples, the tarot card illustrates a tender and secure affection for each other. Those still seeking an ideal partner can anticipate exciting developments and journeys. The Chariot’s swiftest pace is within a week, though, of course, it diminishes shortly after, lasting no more than two months.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.