
Temperance – An In Depth Look

Temperance (Upright) Meaning

Temperance in the upright position guides you towards a life characterized by self-discipline, tolerance, and balance. By stabilizing your energy, you allow the life force to flow through you effortlessly, promoting order and harmony in your life. This card encourages you to restore equilibrium even in the face of challenges, advising you to keep your emotions in check and maintain a composed demeanor. Your ability to remain calm under pressure showcases your mastery of this skill, as minor issues do not easily disturb you, revealing an abundance of patience.

Your commitment to harmony and peace leads to a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment in life. The key to temperance lies in finding the middle ground, considering diverse perspectives, and avoiding extremes. It is not the time for being overly outspoken or contentious; instead, adopt a reasonable and well-balanced approach. Take on the role of a peacekeeper, choosing diplomacy and cooperation over confrontation. Through collaboration, you can harness a perfect blend of talents, skills, and competencies to foster harmony.

Temperance embodies the concept of alchemy, symbolizing the blending, merging, and uniting of various elements to create something new and more valuable than the individual parts. This blending can manifest in various aspects of life, such as creating a harmonious family, an artist combining different mediums, a mixologist crafting unique drinks, or a gourmet merging diverse culinary traditions. The card indicates that you have a clear, long-term goal, and you understand the importance of a measured and focused approach to achieve your objectives.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

In a committed relationship, receiving the Temperance tarot card is considered highly favorable. It signifies the achievement of ideal harmony in love, commitment, and mutual respect, leading to a happy relationship. This card is also associated with soulmates, indicating that if you and your partner have faced challenges, you will be able to overcome obstacles and move forward together. For singles, Temperance suggests learning to balance various responsibilities to make room for a dedicated partner, attracting the right people when this balance is achieved.

The upright Temperance card in love and relationships signifies qualities such as tolerance, balance, compassion, and taking a moderate approach. It advises careful and considerate decision-making, discouraging actions driven to extremes. When it comes to love, reflect on your behavior, ensuring that your attitudes, beliefs, and ideas are balanced. Consider whether you approach potential partners too aggressively or too cautiously, and assess the balance in giving and receiving. Patience may be required in current or future relationships as you seek common ground and harmony.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

Financial matters are likely to be in good order, reflecting harmony and balance. Now is the time to maintain this equilibrium and steadily increase savings instead of taking financial risks or making risky investments. The Temperance card advises adopting a moderate and balanced approach to financial dealings. It serves as a reminder to be prudent with money, acknowledging your diligent saving efforts and occasionally treating yourself within your means. With consistent, attentive savings, you have the potential to grow your resources over time.

In a job tarot reading, the Temperance card in the upright position may indicate the possibility of developing a romantic relationship with a coworker. However, it cautions you to be aware of the risks involved and be prepared to handle them before intertwining work and pleasure. Long-term decisions will yield more favorable outcomes, and you need to carefully consider the consequences of your actions. Making the right decisions is crucial for maintaining positive relationships with business partners and coworkers, ensuring inner peace. Failure to do so may lead to a brief challenging period, as suggested by the upright Temperance symbol.

Career (Upright) Meaning

Temperance encourages you to set goals for your career today, leveraging your endurance and perseverance to achieve what you desire. When upright in your Tarot deck, this Major Arcana card highlights the importance of your hard work and commitment. It also cautions against hastily seizing the first opportunity, urging you to consider the possibility of better prospects in the future, especially concerning raises or job advancements. Employing patience and moderation as tools can aid you in reaching your professional goals, and success in your career is likely to unfold gradually as you consistently put in the effort.

Your dedication and ability to remain composed in challenging work situations may make you stand out among colleagues and friends. The Temperance card serves as a reminder to be steady, patient, and committed when navigating changes in your career path, emphasizing that good things often require time and persistence. Furthermore, Temperance may indicate that your career is well-balanced with other aspects of your life, being neither your sole focus nor exclusive source of income.

Health (Upright) Meaning

In matters of health, the Temperance Tarot card underscores the importance of balance for overall well-being. This period presents an opportune time to bring any unhealthy habits under control. Reflect on areas of life or wellness where you may have been excessive or insufficient, particularly if you’ve encountered health issues. By restoring equilibrium to these aspects, you may experience a therapeutic boost. If concerns have lingered about your medical treatment, this card suggests a newfound sense of security in that area.

The Temperance card implies a shift from years of emphasis on material or superficial aspects of life to making room for something more profound. It encourages you to broaden your horizons and tap into your spiritual dimension, signaling that everything you need for comfort is already within you. This spiritual message advises paying attention to your inner guidance, indicating the presence of spiritual guides surrounding you. The card also signifies harmony among your mind, body, and soul. As you progress on your spiritual journey, practice patience and trust that everything is unfolding as it should.

Temperance – (Reversed) Meaning

The reversed Temperance card serves as an opportunity, or sometimes a warning sign, to swiftly restore balance and adjustment if you’ve recently indulged in excesses. Whether it’s binge eating, frequent drinking, extravagant spending, family conflicts, or negative thinking, these actions may lead you further away from your true self and purpose. It’s a signal to halt such behaviors and embrace moderation, or in some cases, complete abstinence, to break the destructive cycle and reintroduce balance to your life.

Temperance reversed can also indicate that something is amiss in your life, causing stress and strain. Life may not be unfolding as smoothly as anticipated, or an inner voice may be expressing discontent. Ignoring it and continuing with routine may be tempting, but this card advises that prolonged neglect could amplify that inner voice until it becomes insistent. Alternatively, heeding the advice promptly and making necessary changes can restore your equilibrium.

This reversal may prompt a period of self-reflection where you reassess your life priorities. If there’s a misalignment between your inner calling and daily activities, consider it an opportunity to harmonize the two. Aligning your external world with your inner aspirations might involve changes in living arrangements, interpersonal connections, work, and daily routines. Expect tension or conflict as part of the process of smoothing out and bringing about positive change when aligning your inner and external worlds.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

When the Temperance card appears reversed in a love reading, it signifies potential friction and disagreements resulting from instability within the partnership. This instability could stem from beliefs that one partner is more invested than the other or that there’s a lack of reciprocal love and respect. Discord may manifest in the relationship, leading to arguments and a breakdown in communication. Instead of working together to find solutions, there may be open hostility between partners.

To navigate these challenges, it’s essential to be open to discovering solutions, diffuse tense situations, and restore inner equilibrium. For singles, the reversed Temperance suggests investing too much of oneself too quickly in potential partners. This could be interpreted as coming on too strong, appearing overly eager, or even conveying desperation. If seeking love, the advice is to exercise patience. Avoid rushing into a relationship before truly understanding the other person. Take the time to relax, focus on finding inner peace, and let any new romantic connection develop organically.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

Do you find yourself constantly indulging in luxurious treats, or are you so frugal that you never allow yourself a small reward for your hard work? Both of these attitudes may need adjustment as they are unsustainable in the long run. The first approach neglects present comfort for potential future comfort. It’s important to consider financial goals while also prioritizing well-being, finding a comfortable balance as suggested by The Temperance reversed card, between current and future well-being..

If you’re facing financial challenges, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Be cautious not to impulsively spend money as a quick fix for the instability you’re feeling. Achieving inner peace requires time and reconnecting with your true self, not excessive spending that leads to debt. Financial difficulties may make you feel vulnerable in your personal life. Avoid those who inquire about your wealth, as their influence could impact your judgments and perspectives. To prevent further deterioration of your financial situation, it’s essential to regain control over your decisions.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

When the reversed Temperance tarot card appears in a career reading, it suggests an imbalance or conflict in the workplace. This could manifest as working excessively or insufficiently, conflicts with coworkers, or avoiding constructive feedback. It’s crucial to introspect and realign your energy to address and resolve the situation. Are you consistently prioritizing work at the expense of other aspects of your life? Do you frequently burn the midnight oil in the hope of achieving success, or do you tend to procrastinate, causing frustration among coworkers?

There might be an imbalance in your work environment that needs attention. While putting extra effort into work can lead to success, it may have detrimental effects over time. If this resonates with you, strive to create a more balanced approach. Avoid rushing through tasks or making hasty decisions, as this can impact the quality of your work. Unequal distribution of workload among coworkers can also be detrimental. The reversed Temperance card may sometimes indicate a romantic connection that originated at work, but when reversed, it could signal challenges ahead. If you continue on the current path, unexpected consequences may arise.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

Inverted Temperance in a health context serves as a clear indication that various aspects of your life are not in harmony, potentially affecting your health negatively. When the Temperance Tarot card is reversed, it may also suggest engaging in unwise or risky excesses, prompting caution about what you are consuming. Restoring balance involves acknowledging your feelings, identifying any issues leading to unhealthy coping mechanisms, and addressing those concerns. While your body possesses remarkable restorative abilities, it also requires adequate rest to recover.

Internal imbalance can impact relationships, work, and other activities. Reversed Temperance signals a psychological disharmony, possibly indicating a disconnection from spiritual guides or inner guidance. This imbalance extends to mental, physical, and spiritual realms. Consider incorporating meditation and energy work into your routine to realign yourself. If self-balancing proves challenging, seeking the guidance of a professional may be beneficial.

Temperance Card: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with the Temperance tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a No as the answer.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a Yes as the answer

Timing: Temperance Card Meaning

When seeking insight into the timing of an event, The Temperance card suggests that the occurrence may take place during the Aries season. The likelihood of this event happening is even higher during the Aries season, doubling the chances. However, keep in mind that questions about timing don’t always yield consistent answers. The response to when the event will happen indicates it will be very soon. It is recommended to read this prediction in the morning for a better understanding of what the day may bring.

The Temperance Major Arcana Tarot card predicts a favorable event that will make you feel appreciated, loved, and welcomed. It suggests that you are on the verge of reaching a peak in various aspects of your life, especially those related to relationships. This card signifies the completion of tasks involving love and hints at potential new relationships. The timeframe for these events may appear relatively short. Therefore, if you are inquiring about time-related matters, consider The Temperance card as a positive indication.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.