
Tarot Readings

What unfolds during a Tarot reading? Well, it varies depending on the reader. My suggestion for anyone considering a reading is to reach out to the reader beforehand to learn more about their approach.

We don’t engage in fortune-telling or making decisions for our clients. We ask that you frame your question to the cards in a manner that allows you the opportunity to reflect on your current circumstances and desired outcomes.

During the reading itself, we interpret the cards and their interactions to guide the querent (the Tarot client) in uncovering their own motivations and behavioral patterns. Our expertise lies in using the cards as catalysts to aid the querent in understanding how various elements of their situation intersect. While a reading may not always reveal entirely new information, it often presents familiar knowledge in a fresh light, empowering the querent to navigate their path forward. Sometimes, it simply serves to validate something they already sensed but required confirmation on.

A Brief History

Tarot, as we understand it today, emerged during the late medieval period in Europe. The cards were adorned with symbols and images representing the prevailing archetypes of the era, deeply influenced by folk beliefs and ancient practices. It’s evident that these cards served dual purposes: as tools for occult practices, which were prevalent during that time, and also as components of a game.

The modern iteration of Tarot owes much to the Order of the Golden Dawn, an esoteric group based in London during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Arthur Edward Waite, a prominent figure within the Golden Dawn, played a pivotal role in shaping the Tarot as we recognize it today. He enlisted the artistic talents of fellow Golden Dawn member Pamela Colman Smith to illustrate the cards according to his specifications. Despite Smith’s significant contribution, she was not adequately recognized, and for many years, the deck was commonly referred to as the Rider-Waite Tarot, named after the publisher, Rider, and A. E. Waite himself. However, contemporary perspectives often acknowledge Smith’s crucial role, prompting some to refer to the deck as the Smith-Waite or Rider-Waite-Smith deck.

The Smith-Waite deck has since become an iconic representation of Tarot in modern times, with its beautifully illustrated and deeply symbolic imagery serving as the foundation for many contemporary decks. Other notable Tarot decks, such as the Tarot of Marseille and Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot, also hold significant influence and are regarded as classics in their own right. These decks continue to inspire Tarot practitioners and enthusiasts worldwide, offering rich symbolism and insight into the human experience.

Free Tarot Readings

In our complimentary tarot spread, three cards are utilized. Positioned from left to right, they symbolize the Past, Present, and Future in relation to the querent’s inquiry.

Premium Tarot Readings

Our Premium Tarot Readings will be coming soon.