
Strength – An In Depth Look

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Strength – An In Depth Look

Strength (Upright) Meaning

The upright Strength tarot card embodies attributes such as strength, courage, persuasion, and patience. Similar to the Chariot, it affirms your resilience and capacity to conquer any challenge. However, the Strength card emphasizes achieving success through inner strength, diverging from the Chariot’s representation of external drive and power. Instead of relying on brute force, the Strength card advocates for the use of dignity and tact. It also signifies your capability to maintain optimism, composure, and logical thinking, even in situations that test your patience and strength.

Strength, as portrayed by this tarot card, denotes the ability to genuinely control a situation rather than merely imposing your will, employing qualities such as compassion, cunning, or understanding. According to the Strength tarot card, you embody persistence, possessing the capacity to accomplish anything when determined. Your self-assured nature allows you to express yourself confidently. In a Tarot reading, the upright Strength card symbolizes power, bravery, conviction, energy, and decisive action. It also signifies taking charge of your circumstances. If doubts or anxieties arise, tapping into your inner strength and raw power is encouraged. With this strength, you can overcome any obstacle, ensuring success in all your endeavors as long as you continue to exhibit such qualities.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

In a love tarot reading, the presence of the Strength card suggests the likelihood of a passionate and intense relationship. This card indicates a strong connection that may be susceptible to occasional bursts of resentment, jealousy, or other intense emotions. Such a partnership carries both advantages and drawbacks. Another interpretation of the Strength tarot card’s love significance emphasizes qualities like compassion, empathy, and inner strength. Possessing these attributes can attract the partners you seek or strengthen your existing relationship. Your empathetic abilities enable a deeper understanding of your partner’s and your own desires and anxieties. In moments of heated arguments or challenging situations, treating each other with kindness and patience is recommended instead of succumbing to anger.

Strength is the Major Arcana card associated with the Leo zodiac sign, suggesting a potential connection with a Leo if this card appears. For singles, the Strength card signifies an opportune time to meet someone, as your confidence is likely to shine. However, it could also indicate the possibility of getting involved with someone who has a more adventurous side. While this prospect is exciting, it’s essential to temper expectations if the potential partner is exceptionally wild. If you aim to influence them, gentle coaxing is preferable to imposing your will upon them.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

If you’ve effectively managed your spending, you’re likely in a favorable financial position. Staying level-headed is key to maintaining this stability. Additionally, you might find yourself inclined to make daring financial choices, such as splurging on something you’ve always desired. In terms of your career, this card signifies significant potential for both professional and personal advancement, but it necessitates emotional control and a robust belief in yourself. Be cautious not to let fear hinder your success or lead you into imprudent decisions. There’s also an indication of the potential for starting your own independent business, with the understanding that patience will be rewarded in the long run.

On the financial front, the card suggests that you may have overspent on unnecessary expenses, but a consistent cash flow can contribute to financial security and contentment. However, a word of caution is provided against engaging in speculative investments or financial misconduct. While there may be an adequate inflow of cash, unforeseen expenses could deplete your savings.

Career (Upright) Meaning

If you can effectively manage your primal instincts, such as anger, desire, and ambition, there’s substantial potential for career advancement. It’s not about yielding to these instincts or letting them dominate, but rather collaborating with them or channeling them constructively. The card suggests that you already possess the talent and skills; what’s crucial is having the confidence to take decisive actions. This is where your strength lies. If you aim for a promotion, take steps to distinguish yourself. Be proactive, and if you desire, consider a complete career change. If the idea of starting your own business has crossed your mind, motivate yourself to take the necessary steps and simply go for it.

In terms of your profession, Strength indicates that it’s time to assert control over your emotions and move forward. Courage and self-assurance are all you need, considering you already have the necessary skills and potential. Don’t let the fear of failure or the potential for criticism deter you from pursuing your aspirations and realizing your full potential. Whether it’s seeking a promotion, expressing your feelings if you feel overlooked, or venturing into entrepreneurship, believe in yourself and take the initiative. Lastly, when it comes to spending, exercise caution against impulsive financial decisions. This doesn’t mean avoiding expenditures altogether, but ensuring that any investments or purchases are carefully considered and not driven by impulse or emotion.

Health (Upright) Meaning

In discussions about health, the Strength Tarot Card is highly favorable. It is often interpreted as a symbol of good health and physical fitness. In its reversed position, Strength may signify overcoming an illness or starting the process of regaining strength after a period of sickness. It also suggests a restoration of balance to both the body and mind. This is an opportune moment for lifestyle changes, particularly those requiring enhanced self-control. When Strength appears upright, it represents a significant improvement in fitness due to overcoming a prolonged illness, making it an especially positive card for one’s health and well-being. It signifies a harmonious alignment of the body and mind, as well as the cultivation of self-control and the adoption of a healthier lifestyle.

Strength is commonly associated with positive health outcomes in tarot readings focusing on health-related concerns. For individuals facing health challenges, encountering the Strength card provides reassurance that the worst is likely behind them. The alignment of the body and mind, highlighted by Strength, encourages the pursuit of healthy lifestyle changes, especially those demanding increased self-control.

In an upright position, the Strength card serves as a robust indicator in health-related readings, suggesting that if you’ve been grappling with a health issue, you’re on the path to overcoming it. It’s a favorable time to break free from detrimental habits, showcasing mental strength to cease engaging in addictive behaviors. Any endeavors aimed at enhancing your health, such as adhering to a diet or exercise routine, may seem more attainable than anticipated.

Strength – (Reversed) Meaning

In the reversed position, Strength suggests that you find yourself in a situation where your influence over behavior is severely limited. No amount of leadership, modeling, or persuasion seems capable of subduing the unleashed, unbridled energy. Details are overlooked, and previously effective incentives may now be met with mockery. In such circumstances, it may be prudent to maintain silence, safeguard yourself as best as possible, and patiently wait for this challenging period to pass.

In a Tarot reading, the reversed Strength card points to vulnerability, pettiness, illness, a crisis of faith, and an abuse of authority. While courage resides within you, accessing it may prove challenging. It’s important to recognize that the strength you possess is there and available for you to tap into. Set aside insecurities and low self-esteem, relying on your merit to advance. When the Strength card appears in reverse, it may signify explosive tendencies or a susceptibility to irrational outbursts.

The reversed Strength card serves as a gentle reminder to master control over powerful emotions. Failure to do so might lead to impulsive actions or regrettable words. Additionally, the reversed Strength tarot card may indicate a lack of inner fortitude, a quality typically associated with this card. Feeling stagnant while observing others’ apparent happiness or success in various aspects of life is another possible interpretation.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Strength card may suggest a hint of codependency within your relationship. Certain insecurities might hinder both you and your partner from pursuing independent interests and hobbies. Fostering individual completeness, where each partner maintains their own lives, contributes positively to the relationship. It’s crucial to ensure that your partnership is founded on a strong basis of trust. Additionally, a reversed Strength tarot love reading might indicate the emergence of forceful and controlling dynamics in your relationship. Instead of being understanding and sympathetic, one partner may become increasingly dominant. It becomes important to ensure that the needs of one partner are not overshadowed by the other.

In the context of a reversed Strength tarot love reading for singles, it could reveal that poor choices in potential partners stem from a lack of self-control or unresolved self-esteem issues. Unhealthy relationships can create a detrimental cycle impacting self-esteem, emphasizing the need to address these issues, discover inner strength and self-assurance, and recognize one’s deserving nature. The reversed Strength card may suggest that despite the strength of the bond, feelings of unworthiness may persist due to low self-esteem.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

Avoid indulging in excessive spending at this time, as it could further strain your financial situation. This card also suggests exercising caution when allocating funds, even for beneficial purposes, despite having sufficient financial resources. Regardless of your current financial standing, you may be experiencing a sense of insecurity.

Workwise, there is a lack of innovation, resulting in diminished creativity and an overwhelming sense of apathy, fatigue, boredom, and dissatisfaction. Consequently, this isn’t an opportune moment to initiate significant changes in your current position or actively seek new opportunities.

Maintaining composure and having faith that this challenging phase will eventually pass is crucial. Forcefully pushing or resisting could complicate matters, hindering the realization of desired outcomes. Whatever emotions you’re grappling with will unfold in due time.

Strive to maintain balance and fulfill your responsibilities as efficiently as possible until you recover from this state of vulnerability.

Regarding finances, the Strength card, when reversed, indicates a disregard for warnings about impulsive financial decisions, possibly jeopardizing the current prosperity. This lack of self-control may lead to the development of detrimental habits, posing a threat to good health. To instigate a positive, long-term transformation, it is advisable for the individual to focus on altering one of these habits concurrently.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

Have your concerns hindered your progress towards professional goals? The reversed Strength card implies that, except for a healthy dose of self-assurance and confidence, you may already possess everything needed for success. Constantly questioning your decisions and allowing self-doubt and anxiety to govern your choices may be preventing career advancement. Upon introspection, you might discover that your capabilities surpass your self-perceived limitations. In the realm of finances, the reversed Strength card serves as a crucial reminder to avoid impulsive financial decisions. Even with current abundance, it’s wise to be prudent with money, as the future remains uncertain.

The reversed interpretation of the Strength Tarot, akin to its upright counterpart, emphasizes the necessity of courage and self-belief for career progression. In a career Tarot reading, the reversed Major Arcana card accentuates the idea that fear and anxiety may have been inhibiting your professional advancement. Allowing the fear of failure to take hold can render you feeling powerless. Discarding self-doubt becomes imperative as it serves no constructive purpose. Recognizing your latent power, talent, and capability is crucial. Embrace self-belief, and as your confidence grows, you’ll experience enhanced direction and focus, evident to others around you.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

In a medical context, the reversed Strength card still signifies excellent health. However, it may indicate a lack of self-control leading to unhealthy habits that could compromise your well-being. To regain inner control, focus on gradually addressing and breaking each of these detrimental behaviors one at a time. It’s advisable to avoid taking on too much simultaneously, as small and consistent changes can cumulatively make a significant difference.

The reversed Strength tarot card may also suggest a deficiency in the inner fortitude typically associated with this card. Feeling stuck or in a rut while observing others’ apparent happiness and success in various aspects of life is a common response. Instead of comparing your journey to others’, remember that you possess the inner strength and power to overcome any obstacle as you learn to stand tall again. If you’re currently facing challenges, particularly in your physical health, Strength advises paying attention to your instincts and gut feelings, especially regarding health matters. During such times, emotions like grief, anger, and perhaps even embarrassment may arise. It’s crucial not to let emotions dictate your actions. Rather than acting on primal instincts, maintain composure and compassion. Trust in your confidence that you can overcome these obstacles and rely on your instincts.

Strength Card: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with Strength tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a Yes as the answer.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a No as the answer

Timing: Strength Card Meaning

In line with the guidance of Strength, it’s time to gain control over your emotions and progress forward. While you already possess the necessary abilities and potential, cultivating courage and self-belief is equally vital.

Do not allow the fear of failure or the possibility of ridicule to hinder your journey toward fulfilling your maximum potential. Pursue that promotion you desire, assert yourself when feeling overlooked, and contemplate venturing into entrepreneurship if that has always been a dream. Now is the opportune moment to open your heart even wider, considering various possibilities such as meditation and engaging in charitable work. Each of these avenues presents excellent opportunities for personal and professional growth.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.