
Six of Wands – An In Depth Look

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Six of Wands – An In Depth Look

Six of Wands (Upright) Meaning

The Six of Wands embodies victory, recognition, and triumph. It signifies that you have accomplished your goals and are now receiving the acknowledgment and acclaim you deserve. Your success has brought you into the limelight, earning you fame and public recognition. This card also indicates that you have received or will soon receive accolades or similar forms of recognition due to your achievements.

The appearance of the Six of Wands is a positive indication that you have worked diligently on self-improvement and have gained the inner or outer strength necessary for success. Any previous confusion or conflict, as indicated by the Five of Wands, has been resolved, allowing you to focus clearly on your objectives and accomplishments.

However, it’s essential to approach this card with caution. While it signifies success, it can also lead to overconfidence and egotistical behavior. Despite your achievements and newfound fame, it’s crucial to remain grounded and humble to avoid damaging your reputation.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

The Six of Wands in the upright position is a positive indicator of new love and relationships. If this card appears upright, especially if you are single and eagerly awaiting the right person, it suggests that you will soon encounter that special someone. People around you may find you more attractive and appealing, and the person you are interested in may start to see you in a new light and become more open to your advances. It’s time for you to take the initiative and express your feelings towards them.

For those in relationships, especially long-distance relationships or those working towards a significant milestone like moving in together or relocating to be closer, the appearance of the Six of Wands indicates that your plans are on the verge of success. Overall, when the Six of Wands appears upright in a relationship reading, it brings good news, happiness, and a promising future for your relationship.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

Currently, you are experiencing a strong sense of financial security and comfort, as indicated by the upright Six of Wands. This card signifies that your hard work and dedication over an extended period have paid off, leading to a stable financial situation. It’s a time to acknowledge and enjoy the fruits of your labor without hesitation. While it’s perfectly fine to indulge in things you enjoy, it’s essential to maintain moderation and avoid excessive spending.

Furthermore, the upright Six of Wands suggests that this is an auspicious period for making investments. If you have been contemplating any financial ventures, now is a favorable time to pursue them. Additionally, this card indicates the potential for wealth accumulation. However, to ensure continued abundance in your life, it’s crucial to manage your finances prudently and prioritize the value of money.

Career (Upright) Meaning

The upright Six of Wands is highly emblematic of success and confidence, particularly in the realm of work and career. Its appearance signifies that you have accomplished something significant or met a goal sooner than expected, which bodes well for your professional endeavors. Your achievements have garnered recognition, not only from yourself but also from your superiors and colleagues, paving the way for potential salary raises or promotions to higher positions. If you have been dedicated to an important project, expect favorable outcomes and positive feedback.

In your professional journey, you can anticipate favorable results and outcomes that work in your favor. While reveling in your success and newfound confidence, it’s crucial to remain grounded and humble. Take pride in resolving past conflicts and maintain a down-to-earth attitude as you continue to progress in your career.

Health (Upright) Meaning

Similar to its positive influence in various life areas, the Six of Wands carries auspicious implications for health matters. If you’ve been battling a prolonged illness and undergoing treatment, this card heralds imminent victory over the illness, ushering in a renewed sense of vitality. You will experience physical strength and well-being, enabling you to channel your energy effectively into work and family commitments. Additionally, if you are involved in sports or physical activities but were sidelined due to health concerns, this card suggests a return to the field or activities you enjoy.

Six of Wands (Reversed) Meaning

If the Six of Wands appears reversed, it signifies a crisis in your life and a lack of confidence. You find yourself constantly questioning every decision, plagued by self-doubt and fearing disappointment for yourself and those around you. This state of mind has created a cloud of negativity, leading to stress and anxiety, making it challenging to believe in your ability to achieve anything.

Furthermore, the reversed Six of Wands suggests a lack of recognition for your efforts, dampening your motivation. It symbolizes succumbing to peer pressure and conforming without critical evaluation due to your current self-doubt. This loss of motivation may lead to a creative dry spell, leaving you feeling compelled to imitate others rather than tap into your own originality. Additionally, there’s a warning of potential betrayal from someone close to you, so it’s essential to remain vigilant and observant.

Seeking solace in trusted friends or close family members is advised. Opening up about your worries and challenges to them can provide much-needed reassurance and validation of your worth and talent. Spending time with supportive individuals can uplift your spirits and help you regain confidence and positivity.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

In a love and relationship context, the reversed Six of Wands indicates a lack of self-confidence, which is impacting your relationship. You may feel that you’re not receiving the love and appreciation you deserve, leading to a decrease in your confidence levels.

You might notice others around you receiving recognition and success with seemingly minimal effort, which can be disheartening. It’s important not to let these situations alter your outlook or make you bitter. Remember that your positivity and kindness are attractive qualities, and negativity tends to push away good people. Stay focused on maintaining a positive attitude and continue to radiate goodness.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

The presence of the reversed Six of Wands signals the need to carefully assess your financial situation. You may have observed a recent decline in your income or savings. This could be attributed to a specific event, such as an unsuccessful investment or a purchase that didn’t meet your expectations. Alternatively, it could point to an overall downward trend in your financial circumstances.

If it’s the latter case and you haven’t made recent investments, it suggests a gradual decrease in income that may not be immediately noticeable. While the situation may not become dire, it will undoubtedly be a challenging period to navigate. Additionally, the reversed Six of Wands reflects a lack of confidence, indicating uncertainty about your financial prospects improving.

To address these challenges, it’s essential to maintain diligence and proactivity in managing your finances. Keep working hard and stay proactive in finding ways to improve your financial stability.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

The reversal of the Six of Wands impacts various aspects, including your career and professional endeavors. While an upright card would typically signify success and prosperity, the reversed card suggests potential setbacks in your career during this period. Projects that you have been working on might not yield the expected results, leading to a dent in your confidence and aspirations.

You may have experienced being overlooked for promotions or raises at work. Additionally, if there were any conflicts or disagreements in your workplace, they may not have been resolved in your favor. The reversed Six of Wands can also reflect your overall dissatisfaction with your current job, characterized by feelings of boredom and a lack of motivation.

This lack of motivation can hinder your creative abilities, causing delays in completing your tasks and projects. It’s important to address these challenges and find ways to reignite your passion and drive in your career.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

The Six of Wands reversed is a concerning sign in a health tarot reading, suggesting potential deterioration in both physical and mental well-being. This card serves as a cautionary message, indicating that old health issues may resurface, whether they were previously treated ailments requiring careful attention or conditions that seemed resolved but are reappearing. It signals the need to prioritize self-care once again and trust in the healing and recovery process.

While you may have been in the clear and making progress, the reversed Six of Wands warns of the possibility of a relapse, necessitating a return to treatment and potentially adding extra stress. For individuals in sports or physically demanding careers, this card could signify setbacks such as injuries or disappointing outcomes upon returning from a break. It emphasizes the importance of taking preventive measures and being mindful of your health to avoid setbacks or relapses.

Six of Wands: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with the Six of Wands tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, be assured that the answer is a resounding yes from all perspectives, and your desired wish will soon manifest into reality.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it still signifies a Yes as the answer. Even though achieving your wish won’t be straightforward, you’ll need to put in extra effort and dial back on overconfidence to make it happen.

Timing: Six of Wands Card Meaning

If the focus is on the timing of when your wish will manifest, and the six of wands appears, it signals that the event is imminent. To pinpoint the timing more precisely, consider looking towards the spring season or zodiac periods like Aries, Sagittarius, or Leo.

Numerically speaking, anticipate the event to occur one month later or specifically on the 6th, 15th, 24th, or similar dates in the upcoming month.

Remember, your desired outcome is on its way, requiring just a bit of patience. If the reading occurs in summer, it doesn’t mean your wish will materialize in spring; rather, it’s likely during the Leo season or the following month.

Additionally, you can interpret the timing based on the card’s number. With six as the number, expect the event around the 6th day, 6th week, or 6th month after the reading. Predicting beyond this timeframe is challenging, given how our future constantly shifts with our actions.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.