
Six of Cups – An In Depth Look

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Six of Cups – An In Depth Look

Six of Cups (Upright) Meaning

The Six of Cups card invokes fond memories from your past, whether from childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood. You may find yourself reminiscing or even revisiting the places of your upbringing or reconnecting with old friends. Attending a high school reunion or reaching out to former pals could bring about a sense of nostalgia and happiness. Reflect on these shared experiences to gauge if there are still common interests and a desire to rekindle relationships.

This card encourages reconnecting with your inner child, reliving the carefree and innocent days of youth. Embracing spontaneity, playfulness, and creativity can help you rediscover your true self and intuition. Additionally, the presence of children in your life may be symbolized by the Six of Cups, suggesting themes like pregnancy, childbirth, or harmonious sibling relationships. It may also signify upcoming moments filled with laughter and playfulness with young children.

Representing themes of youth, innocence, and generosity, the Six of Cups in the Minor Arcana can also signify familial bonds, safety, and companionship. During challenging times, this card may advise seeking support from family and close friends. However, it’s essential to note that in certain contexts, it may also suggest immaturity or unresolved childhood issues, especially when paired with specific accompanying cards. For individuals living away from home, it might indicate feelings of homesickness.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

The Six of Cups tarot card carries a significant meaning in love readings by evoking the past. This card symbolizes a nostalgic return to previous experiences, fostering a sense of warmth and familiarity. You may find yourself reminiscing about fond memories, cherishing the comforting connection with your partner, or encountering an old flame. In the upright position, the Six of Cups also suggests a period of healing from past wounds, where seeking solace and comfort becomes essential. Reflecting on the joyful moments shared with your partner, or even reliving them, can offer a sense of tranquility, especially if your relationship has faced challenges. However, it’s crucial not to dwell solely on the past but to let it enrich your future.

In a love tarot reading, the Six of Cups may simply indicate a longstanding connection with your partner if you are already in a relationship. Favorable surrounding cards could suggest the possibility of starting a family. Conversely, this card can also signify relationship troubles stemming from ignorance or immaturity. It might imply reluctance to commit due to lingering feelings for an ex-partner, interference from past relationships causing conflicts, or unresolved issues resurfacing. For single individuals, the Six of Cups might suggest the return of a former lover, rekindling romance with a childhood friend, or finding love in familiar surroundings.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

Financial matters can find resolutions with the positive influence of the Six of Cups in an upright position. This card can signify receiving a gift, donation, or experiencing a generous sharing of resources. Given its ties to themes of childhood and home, these resources may come from family members. For instance, moving back to your parents’ home could lead to cost savings while enjoying proximity to supportive loved ones. Conversely, you might find yourself in a position to share resources and provide assistance to family members, possibly welcoming them into your own home.

Additionally, the Six of Cups can indicate involvement in gift-giving, charitable donations, or receiving unexpected financial support. This card could also suggest favorable financial outcomes, such as an inheritance or estate planning activities like writing a will. It encourages seizing lucrative opportunities for financial growth and success. Overall, the Six of Cups signifies a period of financial stability and the potential for receiving or giving financial blessings and legacies.

Career (Upright) Meaning

The Six of Cups, belonging to the Suit of Cups, often symbolizes healing, reminiscence, and childhood themes. Now might be an opportune moment to reflect on your career journey through the lens of the past. This card suggests that there are valuable lessons to be gleaned from your previous experiences, lessons that can pave the way for your future endeavors. Take the time to review what worked well in the past and ensure that you’re not repeating any past mistakes. Alternatively, the appearance of this card may signify a reevaluation of your career trajectory, potentially leading you to revisit a role or position you previously held.

In career readings, the Six of Cups is typically viewed as a positive omen. It embodies qualities such as imagination, collaboration, and goodwill. Engaging in collaborative or creative projects is highly encouraged when this card emerges. Additionally, it may imply involvement with young individuals or children in your work environment. Overall, the Six of Cups signifies favorable outcomes in career endeavors, indicating fruitful cooperation, successful teamwork, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Seizing this moment can lead to long-term benefits for both yourself and those around you. Embrace this opportunity to enhance your skills, foster creativity, and contribute positively to collaborative efforts.

Health (Upright) Meaning

The Six of Cups offers a gentle reminder to extend kindness and support to those who are unwell, especially in a healthcare context where they may require more assistance than you realize. It also encourages simplifying your life and focusing on the essentials, as a hectic lifestyle could be contributing to stress and health issues. This card serves as a positive omen for pregnancy, symbolizing the importance of family and loved ones. However, it also carries a cautionary message, urging you to prioritize self-care and avoid taking things for granted. With the right care and attention, a family member undergoing treatment can achieve successful recovery and improved well-being.

Six of Cups (Reversed) Meaning

If the Six of Cups appears reversed in your reading, it prompts you to reflect on whether you’re dwelling too much on the past, which may be diverting your attention from the present. Living in nostalgia or focusing solely on past experiences can prevent you from seizing current opportunities. While reminiscing can evoke various emotions, it’s crucial to remember that real progress occurs in the present moment. Consider the reversed Six of Cups as an opportunity to resolve lingering issues from the past so you can fully embrace the present and future.

A reversed Six of Cups may suggest that you’re indulging in a personal journey down memory lane, perhaps contemplating a past relationship or reconnecting with an ex while secretly desiring to rekindle the connection. However, you may hesitate to reveal these sentiments due to fears of judgment. This card can signify a need to let go of the past and embrace maturity, letting go of childish behaviors or unresolved childhood concerns.

Another interpretation of the reversed Six of Cups is the potential loss of innocence due to childhood traumas or unattained childhood dreams. It may also signify feeling disconnected from your younger self and distant from childhood aspirations, which can be disheartening. However, it’s essential to understand that life often leads us down unexpected paths, and it’s okay not to hold yourself accountable for past decisions. If you find yourself dwelling excessively on the past or idealizing past events, refocusing on the present and appreciating what you have can help bring clarity and gratitude.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

The reversed meaning of the Six of Cups in love tarot readings suggests that you may be dwelling too much on the past instead of living in the present. Past relationships could be hindering your ability to open up to new love or make space for someone new in your heart. You might idealize past love as something unattainable or believe that you won’t find a partner like your previous one again. However, holding onto these thoughts can be unfair to current or potential partners. It’s important to remember that past relationships ended for a reason, and reminiscing about only the good times overlooks the challenges you faced. Let go of the past to open yourself up to new possibilities and avoid blocking yourself from finding love again.

In a love tarot spread, the reversed Six of Cups can also indicate a lack of excitement or enthusiasm in an existing relationship. Despite the stability it offers, you may feel constrained or limited by it. For single individuals, this card may suggest a readiness to move on from past relationships and seek more fulfilling ones. Dwelling on the past won’t lead to any changes, and it’s essential to give new opportunities a chance. Additionally, the Six of Cups reversed could point to issues in communication or difficulties in receiving the affection you deserve, possibly stemming from childhood experiences or trauma.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

When upright, the Six of Cups symbolizes youth and reminiscing about the past. However, when reversed, it signifies readiness for independence. This card often appears for individuals who are preparing to venture out on their own after living with family. It reflects your journey toward financial maturity and self-sufficiency.

If you’ve been living with parents or under someone else’s care, the reversed Six of Cups indicates that you’ve acquired better money management skills and the discipline needed to establish your own life. Embrace the changes that come with this transition, even if they seem daunting; they are essential for your growth. In terms of finances, this card suggests that you are progressing toward financial independence and taking more mature approaches to managing your money.

For young individuals who are still residing with family but are gearing up to live independently, this card encourages you to take care of your emotional well-being during this transition period. Financially, it signifies that you are on the path to financial independence and exhibiting maturity in your financial decisions and planning.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

In a professional context, the reversed Six of Cups may indicate a sense of boredom or lack of inspiration in your current role. You might be contemplating leaving a secure job environment to pursue a more creative endeavor or to work with vulnerable populations who have experienced trauma or are marginalized in some way. While this can be fulfilling, it’s important to prioritize your own emotional well-being and self-care amidst these challenges. The reversed card could also suggest that you’ve completed a phase of sublimation in your work, although the significance of this is subject to interpretation.

You have a clear view of the situation and should carefully weigh whether taking action to address work-related issues is necessary. Sometimes, defending certain aspects of your work may be appropriate, while in other cases, it may not be. It’s crucial to discern between these scenarios. If the Six of Cups appears reversed, it signifies a need for newness and excitement at work. This tarot card suggests that if you’re contemplating a career change or job transition, you’re likely moving towards more rewarding opportunities with maturity and a clear mindset.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

The reversed Six of Cups in a health context may indicate that any health issues you’re facing could be linked to inherited conditions or could symbolize physical manifestations of unresolved childhood traumas or abuse. If you’re trying to conceive or experiencing difficulties with pregnancy, this card can suggest challenges in that area as well. It’s crucial to address any health problems promptly when this card appears reversed, as they may be affecting you more than you realize.

Despite these challenges, you’ll find that you possess the readiness, drive, and skills necessary to overcome them. Take action now on what you know needs to be done for your health. The reversed Six of Cups indicates that healing is possible, but it requires the right approach and strategies. Ensure that you prioritize your well-being without overdoing it or getting overwhelmed mentally, as this could lead to additional issues.

Six of Cups: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with the Six of Cups tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a Yes as the answer. The significant symbols on this generally positive tarot card include nostalgia, reminiscence, and a sense of stability. When the Six of Cups emerges during a tarot reading, it advises releasing any obstacles hindering your progress toward your objectives.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a No as the answer. The reversed Six of Cups signifies feeling restricted by past experiences and finding it difficult to envision the future. It indicates the challenge of embracing the unfamiliar, often causing individuals to hold onto familiar and secure past memories.

Timing: Six of Wands Card Meaning

The Six of Cups suggests that if your inquiry pertains to the timing of an event, what you desire or ponder will gradually unfold. This progression will be steady yet strong, akin to the constant flow of the Water element. The timeframe is likely to be measured in months or around the 6th, 15th, and 24th of a month.

This card signifies that you have freed yourself from past restraints and rediscovered your true self, living in the present without dwelling on past regrets. It indicates that a strong sense of nostalgia will initially manifest internally before manifesting externally, possibly within the coming weeks or months.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.