

The crucial inquiry encouraged by the Tarot’s Pentacles suit is, “How is your life unfolding for you?” If the response is unsatisfactory, it’s the Pentacles cards that can offer the guidance necessary for initiating positive changes and steering your life in a more favorable direction.


Tarot cards within the Pentacles suit, sometimes called “Coins,” address aspects of the material and physical realm. While often misconstrued as mere symbols of wealth and financial matters, Pentacles cards actually signify success and prosperity across various dimensions, encompassing not only monetary and career achievements but also aspects like family, physical well-being, and health.

Linked to the winter season and the Earth element, the Pentacles suit embodies qualities of stability, practicality, determination, as well as the dynamics of giving and receiving. When a Pentacles card appears in a Tarot reading, it typically signals a need for attention to something in your material world. This could be positive, such as a successful business deal or a substantial inheritance, or it could indicate challenges like health issues or obstacles hindering your progress.


Emotionally, the Pentacles embody energies associated with feelings of safety, security, and abundance. The theme of prosperity extends beyond financial aspects, encompassing enriching experiences, moments of gold, encounters with goodness, and appreciation of beauty – all integral elements of the Pentacles suit.


Pentacles Tarot cards also serve as symbols for the strengths and gifts one possesses. Those who invest their time, money, and effort deserve the rewards that come with such dedication. The Pentacles not only deliver these rewards but also provide the means to earn and merit them.


Whether it’s in the realms of intellect, entrepreneurship, artistry, or any other assets at your disposal (including the sheer force and vigor to surpass others through hard work), the Pentacles signify the value of your resources. Additionally, this suit represents your personal values – the things you cherish, are drawn to, and surround yourself with. Mastering the Pentacles involves translating these aspects into a means to sustain yourself financially and care for your family.


The suit of Pentacles in a classic Tarot deck consists of 14 Tarot cards beginning with the Ace of Pentacles, progressing upward through the 10 of Pentacles, and concluding with the four Court cards, the Page, Knight, Queen and King of Pentacles.

Upright: Fresh prospects in finances or career, materialization, and abundance.


Reversed: Missed chance, absence of preparation and foresight.



The Ace of Pentacles portrays a hand emerging from the clouds, akin to the Aces in other suits. In its cupped palm lies a sizable coin, seemingly available to anyone with the initiative to claim it. It suggests the sudden appearance of a new opportunity linked to wealth, business, and materialization—an unexpected chance now presented to you in all its splendor. The onus is on you to embrace this offer and transform it into something substantial and enduring.


The surroundings depicted in the card are teeming with abundance: a garden filled with lush green grass and white lilies. A narrow path leads to an archway adorned with vibrant foliage and flowers. Beyond the arch, majestic mountain peaks stretch across the horizon. This verdant scene signifies that the time is propitious to advance with your career and financial aspirations. Although the journey may demand diligence and resolve (scaling mountains is no simple feat), the Ace of Pentacles encourages you to seize this opportunity while it is at its peak abundance.


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Upright: Juggling numerous tasks, effective time allocation, prioritizing, and flexibility.


Reversed: Spread too thin, lack of organization, reassessment of priorities.



In the Two of Pentacles, a youthful man engages in a dance, skillfully juggling two coins. The infinity symbol connecting the coins implies that he can adeptly navigate through countless challenges as long as he effectively manages his time, energy, and resources. In the backdrop, two ships navigate the high seas, riding the crest and trough of massive waves—a further indication that life’s fluctuations can be navigated successfully with concentration and care.


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Upright: Collaborative effort, team synergy, acquiring knowledge, and implementing plans.


Reversed: Lack of harmony, discord, and working independently.



In the Three of Pentacles, a youthful stonemason diligently employs his tools on a section of a cathedral. Positioned before him, two architects hold blueprints for the design. The lofty ceilings and intricate engravings attest to the expertise of all involved. Despite the stonemason’s relative lack of experience, he engages in a discussion about his progress with the architects, who, through their body language, convey that they value his insights and specialized knowledge. This portrayal suggests that, despite his youth, the stonemason plays a crucial role in the cathedral’s completion, and the architects strive to ensure everyone is aligned and working collaboratively towards the same goal.


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Upright: Financial prudence, safety, cautiousness, limited resources, control.


Reversed: Excessive expenditure, avarice, self-preservation.



In the Four of Pentacles, a man is seated on a stool outside the confines of his hometown. He clings tightly to a coin, expressing a fear of losing it if he loosens his grip. Balancing another pentacle on his head, he obstructs his connection with the spiritual realm, while two more pentacles rest securely beneath his feet. His possessiveness over his coins prevents him from moving or exploring beyond his current location. Despite the community behind him, including friends and family, he remains isolated, fixated solely on accumulating wealth, leaving him immobile and disconnected from broader connections.


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Upright: Monetary setback, destitution, solitude, and anxiety.


Reversed: Bouncing back from economic setbacks, overcoming spiritual destitution.



Within the Five of Pentacles, two individuals traverse the icy wind and snow in a state of destitution and poverty. One man relies on crutches due to an injury, while the other is barefoot, equipped only with a thin blanket to shield him from the harsh winter conditions. Behind them stands a church, illuminated and emanating warmth, symbolizing hope, faith, and spiritual assistance. Unfortunately, their intense focus on their hardships blinds them to the support available, and they persist in their desperate journey without realizing that help is at hand.


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Upright: Giving, accepting, distributing wealth, benevolence, philanthropy.


Reversed: Personal well-being, outstanding obligations, unilateral acts of generosity.



In the Six of Pentacles, a well-off man, adorned in a red robe, distributes coins to two beggars kneeling at his feet. His left hand holds a balanced scale, symbolizing equity and fairness. This card depicts a state of financial stability and generosity, suggesting the capacity to use wealth for the benefit of others. It also signifies the experience of receiving generosity and the relief that accompanies much-needed assistance.


The Six of Pentacles embodies a cycle of giving and receiving. At times, you may find yourself in the position of giving, while at other times, you may be on the receiving end. It serves as a reminder that life’s balance can shift unexpectedly. Even if surrounded by affluence, there will be moments when you require the support of others. Therefore, the card encourages the generous use of resources, as this benevolence may be reciprocated when needed in the future.


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Upright: Lasting outcomes, persistence, strategic investment, and long-term perspective.


Reversed:  Shortsightedness, restricted achievement, minimal success or reward.



Within the Seven of Pentacles, a man leans on his hoe, surveying a bountiful crop. Having dedicated extensive effort and time, he has transformed tiny seeds into a flourishing garden, allowing him to momentarily pause and relish the fruits of his labor. Observe the expression on his face, though; it reveals fatigue and a hint of being ‘over it,’ signifying the toll of intense work for this prosperous harvest. While success arises from diligent work and patience, this card serves as a reminder to be mindful not to overexert and drain yourself in the process.


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Upright: Engagement in an apprenticeship, undertaking repetitive tasks, achieving mastery, and fostering skill development.


Reversed: Personal growth, pursuit of perfection, activity with a misguided focus.



In the Eight of Pentacles, a young man diligently works on eight coins, intricately carving a pentacle shape into each one. In the backdrop, a small town is visible, but he has distanced himself from the distractions of home life to wholeheartedly focus on his task. His intense concentration reflects his eagerness to excel and prevent any errors. With each coin he creates, his proficiency advances, eventually reaching a level of mastery in his craft.


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Upright: Prosperity, opulence, self-reliance, economic autonomy.


Reversed: Personal value, excessive dedication to work, constant effort.



In the Nine of Pentacles, an elegantly attired woman stands within a lush garden. Clad in a flowing, golden robe and a red beret, she exudes signs of wealth and social status. The vines behind her bear abundant grapes and golden coins, symbolizing the successful fulfillment of her desires. Her right hand gently rests on one of the coins, while her fingers delicately grasp the purple grapes on the vine, portraying her balanced and healthy relationship with wealth. She enjoys the fruits of her endeavors without excess.


On her left hand sits a hooded falcon, illustrating the woman’s intellectual and spiritual self-control. In the distant background, a large house presumably belonging to her further underscores her affluence and financial abundance.


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Upright: Prosperity, economic stability, familial bonds, enduring success, and meaningful contribution.


Reversed: The negative aspect of affluence, financial downfall, or loss.



In the Ten of Pentacles, an elderly man with white hair dons an intricately embroidered robe, seated with his two faithful white dogs at his feet. A younger couple, accompanied by a small child, stands nearby. This affluent patriarch, having achieved significant success in his lifetime, takes immense satisfaction in sharing his wealth and abundance with his loved ones. His accomplishments now translate into financial security and assurance for his family, laying the foundation for a lasting legacy.


The family gathers in the courtyard of a grand castle, a symbol of their prosperity, comfort, and financial well-being. Adorning the archway are family emblems and flags, representing their history and ancestry. Their wealth transcends mere material comfort; the man and his family share a deeply rooted connection to their lineage, home, and community.


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Upright: Manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development.


Reversed: Stagnation, delay in progress, derive lessons from setbacks.



The Page of Pentacles presents a youthful figure standing in a meadow adorned with blossoming flowers. In the background, a small cluster of trees and a freshly plowed field hints at a promising harvest. The distant mountain range symbolizes forthcoming challenges and obstacles on the Page’s path. Holding a gold coin in his hand, the Page scrutinizes it attentively, as though seeking insights on how to further manifest additional wealth and abundance.


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Upright: Diligent effort, efficiency, adherence to routine, and a conservative approach.


Reversed: Disciplined approach, monotony, the sensation of being stagnant, the pursuit of perfection.



The Knight of Pentacles rests on an unmoving draft horse, attentively examining the gold coin in his hand. He displays a deliberate approach, choosing to evaluate and strategize his path before taking action. In the backdrop, an expansive field meticulously plowed row by row signifies the Knight’s readiness to engage in the diligent and repetitive work required to bring his dreams to fruition.


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Upright: Supportive, pragmatic, contributing financially, a parent actively engaged in work.


Reversed: Economic autonomy, personal well-being, the clash between work and home life.



In the Queen of Pentacles, a woman occupies a stone throne adorned with carvings depicting fruit trees, goats, angels, and other symbols of material prosperity and sensory delight. She tenderly cradles a gold coin in both hands, gazing upon it with affectionate care as if nurturing this emblem of wealth and material success. Luxuriant plants and flowers encircle her, signifying her connection to Mother Earth, nature, and abundance. A small rabbit leaps nearby, symbolizing fertility and implying that her life is in a harmonious and flowing state.


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Upright: Prosperity, entrepreneurship, guiding roles, stability, discipline, and abundance.


Reversed: Fixated on wealth and status, obstinate.



Seated on a throne adorned with carvings of bulls, emblematic of his Taurus connection, and with grapevines embellishing his robe, the King of Pentacles epitomizes wealth and abundance. His right hand wields the scepter of authority, while in his left, he clutches a golden coin, symbolizing his material influence. This King possesses an innate talent for generating material wealth and financial prosperity, complemented by the ability to sustain it through self-discipline, control, and effective leadership.


Vines, flowers, and plants surround his throne and at his feet, representing the pinnacle of material success. His castle in the background serves as a testament to all he has constructed through unwavering efforts and determination. This King is deeply committed to financial security, making the accumulation of wealth the focal point of his life. Proud of his accomplishments, he enjoys showcasing his prized possessions and prosperity to others.


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The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.