
Justice – An In Depth Look

Justice (Upright) Meaning

The Justice card embodies principles of law, fairness, justice, and truth. It signifies accountability for your actions and the ensuing consequences. If your actions align with your Higher Self and contribute to the greater good, there’s no need for concern. However, if your actions deviate, you will be held accountable. Despite potential regrets, the Justice card assures fair and unbiased treatment. Justice is accompanied by compassion and understanding.

Prepare to acknowledge mistakes and face the outcomes. Seeking justice will yield results, whether you’re involved in a legal case or awaiting a decision from an authoritative body. The upright Justice card implies finality—once a verdict is reached, acceptance and moving forward are necessary.

Justice involves uncovering the truth, revealing complexities in your reality. Delving deeper may lead to navigating intricate moral and just considerations. Be cautious of your perceptions of truth, justice, and morality, as they may not be as straightforward as anticipated. Embrace the opportunity to broaden your worldview and challenge preconceptions.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

For singles engaging in a love Tarot reading, Justice may suggest the potential for a relationship with someone in the legal field, such as a judge, lawyer, or legal secretary. Additionally, since the Tarot card for Libra corresponds to Justice, a Libra individual might be on the horizon for you. If you have consistently treated others with honesty and kindness but haven’t received the same treatment in past relationships, Justice in a love Tarot reading signals a correction in this imbalance, bringing a loving partner into your life. It may also indicate that those who have wronged you will be held accountable.

The implications of Justice for a relationship depend on the actions of both partners. If both individuals uphold sincerity and morality, the relationship is likely to experience increased harmony and a deeper commitment. Justice can also symbolize the commitment of marriage. However, it warns that if either partner has been unfaithful or dishonest, the truth will come to light, and the dishonest party will face consequences for their actions.

As Justice is associated with karma, your romantic prospects will reflect the energy you’ve invested. If you’ve been diligent and kind, love and romance will come your way. Your relationships will mirror the positive qualities you’ve displayed. If you’ve been single due to your loving and optimistic personality, others will likely find you especially appealing.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

Our capacity to manage finances plays a crucial role in leading a well-balanced life. The Justice tarot card provides guidance on the approach to be taken in a particular situation, especially when it involves money. While the card doesn’t disclose the specifics of your financial situation, it does outline the recommended approach to managing money and hints at potential long-term consequences. It underscores the importance of maintaining fairness in all your business relationships, suggesting that this fairness will contribute to positive outcomes for your financial future. The card encourages adaptability in the present, emphasizing that such flexibility will yield rewards in the future.

Justice acts as a reminder that practicing honesty and fairness in financial and business matters will lead to financial rewards. It serves as a guide for balancing your financial accounts. If you’re contemplating taking a financial risk, the Justice card serves as a favorable omen.

As Justice is associated with karma, your romantic prospects will reflect the energy you’ve invested. If you’ve been diligent and kind, love and romance will come your way. Your relationships will mirror the positive qualities you’ve displayed. If you’ve been single due to your loving and optimistic personality, others will likely find you especially appealing.This card underscores the significance of honesty, equity, and fairness in all financial transactions. Striking a balance between your own desires and the needs of others, as well as finding equilibrium in what you give and take, is crucial. By maintaining this balance, you can ensure the stability of your finances.

Career (Upright) Meaning

In a professional context, the presence of Justice serves as a gentle nudge to maintain a balance between your personal and work life. It emphasizes the importance of allocating sufficient time for personal reflection and solitude. While a fulfilling career is undoubtedly valuable, it reminds you not to overlook the significance of personal connections and meaningful experiences. The card prompts contemplation on the common regret expressed by many at the end of life, wishing they had spent more time outside of work.

If you have been navigating workplace challenges, the Justice card suggests that a fair and honest approach on your part is likely to lead to favorable outcomes. For those not currently facing such issues, it serves as a straightforward reminder to consistently act with integrity and take responsibility for your actions, even in the face of mistakes. Demonstrating honesty and a commitment to the truth, though challenging at times, will garner respect and trust. Ethical and responsible conduct can contribute to the advancement of your career.

Health (Upright) Meaning

Justice serves as a poignant reminder that acting with honor in financial and business matters can lead to financial rewards, providing guidance on how to maintain a balanced financial stance. The card is considered an auspicious omen for those willing to take calculated risks.

In the realms of health and spirituality, the Justice tarot card underscores the fundamental importance of balance across all facets of life. It prompts introspection about one’s self-care practices, acknowledging that the term has been overly utilized and may have lost its true meaning. Prioritizing the care of the body, mind, and spirit becomes the foremost task.

For those feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about where to initiate self-care practices, Justice advises proceeding cautiously. Setting three achievable goals and approaching them with deliberate steps can gradually restore balance in all aspects of life. If health issues persist, Justice may indicate an imbalance contributing to these problems, discouraging excesses and emphasizing the significance of moderation in all aspects of life.

Justice – (Reversed) Meaning

Justice Reversed suggests a moral awareness of wrongdoing, presenting two potential courses of action: either conceal the mistake and hope it goes unnoticed or confront the errors and take decisive steps to rectify the issue. The repercussions of the chosen path will weigh on one’s conscience.

In a scenario depicted by Justice Reversed, there might be an unwillingness to fully acknowledge responsibility, leading to attempts to deflect blame onto others. This reluctance to transcend personal concerns and ego hinders a comprehensive understanding of the broader picture, resulting in self-deception and deceiving others. A reevaluation of the situation is advised, with an emphasis on identifying areas where personal responsibility can be acknowledged. Admitting mistakes and working diligently to rectify them can lead to better decision-making and freedom from guilt or shame.

For those on the brink of a decision with widespread implications, Justice Reversed encourages reflection on potential biases or prejudices that may unfairly influence the decision. Gathering additional information may be necessary to make an informed choice or to uncover and address personal biases.

In a legal context, concerns about an unjust outcome or a challenge to the verdict may arise, casting doubt on the fairness of the legal process. Issues with the law or other impediments to the delivery of justice may be factors to consider.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

In a romantic context, the presence of Justice Reversed strongly suggests potential exposure for dishonesty or infidelity within the relationship. Consequences for such actions should be anticipated if there has been lying or cheating. Additionally, conflicts with a partner may seem prolonged, or there might be a perception of unfair or unequal treatment within the relationship. It’s essential to assess one’s own contributions to the relationship before passing judgment solely on the partner.

Even if one believes they are not at fault for the relationship issues, there is an opportunity to learn from the experience. Recognizing that personal standards set the tone for how others treat us, it becomes crucial to reflect on what is deemed acceptable. For those who are single, Justice Reversed may indicate a readiness for a fulfilling relationship but a lack of absorption of lessons from past experiences, potentially leading to a repetition of mistakes. It may also signal a recurring imbalance in relationships, contributing to their breakdown.

When entering new relationships, finding a balance between the romantic and independent aspects of life is advised. This approach allows relationships to breathe and grow. The reversal of Justice could signify facing consequences for past unkind behavior in relationships. While the initial excitement of a new relationship is natural, maintaining a sense of self is crucial to avoid losing one’s identity entirely.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

Financially, it is advisable to steer clear of risky bets or investments when the Justice card appears reversed, as it may not bring favorable outcomes. The presence of this card could signal financial injustice, urging caution when engaging in financial dealings, especially with individuals involving money; their trustworthiness may be questionable.

In a reversed position, the Justice card suggests potential financial dishonesty. Before sharing sensitive financial information with anyone, it is crucial to ensure their trustworthiness. If facing financial challenges, the reversed Justice card may symbolize a reluctance to acknowledge responsibility for the situation. While this acknowledgment may be uncomfortable, accepting responsibility can lead to a sense of liberation.

The reversed stance of the Justice tarot card conveys elements of partiality and rigidity, making it a less favorable financial sign. Caution is recommended when making investments or incurring additional costs. It doesn’t discourage financial ventures but emphasizes the importance of adhering strictly to financial protocols. Maintaining a vigilant watch over financial matters is highlighted.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

Reversed Justice may suggest that you are facing unfair treatment in the workplace, where others might be attributing their flaws or faults to you, or you feel someone is conspiring against you. In such situations, it is advisable not to react hastily. Proceed with caution and address the issue rationally rather than impulsively confronting those involved, as the reversed Justice implies that engaging in arguments may not yield favorable results.

If your professional conduct has been less than honorable, the consequences may catch up with you when Justice is reversed, possibly indicating signs of commercial corruption. Instead of evading accountability, taking responsibility for your actions can earn you more respect. When this Major Arcana card appears, be mindful not to excessively focus on either your professional or personal life, as Justice reversed may also signal an imbalance in work-life equilibrium compared to the upright card

Unfair working conditions could be indicated, involving taking blame for others’ mistakes or dealing with attempts to undermine your work. Despite the temptation to respond aggressively, engaging in a fair, rational, and candid approach is recommended. Reversed Justice may reveal that strained interactions might result in unwarranted blame directed at you. On occasions, it may suggest that your work lacks complete sincerity, which could lead to future problems or keep you anxious about potential repercussions.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

Justice reversed emphasizes the crucial need for balance, underscoring a more pronounced risk of health issues stemming from an unaddressed lack of equilibrium. Prioritize self-care by scheduling dedicated time and steer clear of overindulgence to safeguard your well-being.

Reversed Justice serves as a heightened signal of an existing imbalance that has the potential to contribute to health issues. Take proactive measures to care for yourself and steer clear of overindulgence to maintain a healthier equilibrium.

The Justice Card: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with the Justice tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a Yes as the answer.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a No as the answer

Timing: Justice Card Meaning

The Justice card advises you to be attentive when others narrate events and their roles in them. Offering criticism is not required. Your responsibility is to observe, pay careful attention, actively engage, and maintain your composure as the drama unfolds.

Your comprehension will extend beyond the surface as you discern how individuals portray themselves. By deciphering clues and subtle inferences, you will unveil the truths that empower you to make an informed and precise decision. Justice suggests that a significant event might transpire within the next 30 days. Appearing every two to three months, the Justice card exerts a profound and enduring influence, lasting even up to a year and a half.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.