
Four of Wands – An In Depth Look

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Four of Wands – An In Depth Look

Four of Wands (Upright) Meaning

When the Four of Wands appears upright, it signifies harmonious and tranquil family dynamics, denoting success and joyous celebrations. In numerology, the number four symbolizes a sturdy foundation and reliability for oneself and loved ones, heralding a period of happiness and prosperity. Its presence in a tarot reading suggests an opportune moment to plan gatherings with family, emphasizing the importance of familial bonds.

This Minor Arcana card often signifies a long-awaited family reunion, whether it involves returning home after an extended absence or hosting loved ones. Such reunions foster an atmosphere of joy and closeness, possibly prompted by significant events like weddings. Additionally, the Four of Wands evokes the idea of extended holidays or vacations, encouraging you to invite close friends and family for shared experiences and bonding activities.

Furthermore, the card bodes well for professional endeavors, indicating success and fulfillment in your career or business ventures. If you’ve dedicated effort to a project or investment, the Four of Wands suggests that your hard work will yield fruitful outcomes. It signifies reaching a significant milestone in your career, elevating your sense of satisfaction and pride.

Overall, the Four of Wands upright heralds a time of celebration and achievement, symbolizing the culmination of important endeavors and the nurturing of familial and professional relationsh

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

If the Four of Wands appears upright in a love and relationship tarot reading, it signifies a promising outlook for your romantic life. This card suggests that you will experience joy and fulfillment in your family life, fostering strong bonds with your loved ones. You’ll establish stable relationships and feel secure both within yourself and with your partner.

Symbolizing roots and stability, the Four of Wands indicates that if you’re uncertain about the direction of your current relationship, you and your partner will grow closer during this time, anchoring your relationship on solid ground. Furthermore, this Minor Arcana card represents familial connections, suggesting that you and your family are poised to celebrate a significant event such as a birthday or anniversary. This gathering will unite your loved ones and create memorable moments of shared joy.

Weddings and marriage are also strongly associated with the Four of Wands, implying that if you’ve been in a long-term relationship and eagerly awaiting a proposal, now may be the time for your wish to be fulfilled. Even if you’re single, this card promises festivities and celebrations, encouraging you to enjoy these occasions with friends and family.

Moreover, the Four of Wands hints at reunions, suggesting the possibility of reconnecting with an ex-partner or welcoming back an old flame into your life. Overall, the appearance of the Four of Wands upright signals a period of happiness, celebration, and strengthening of familial and romantic bonds.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

Financially, you’ll experience a sense of security and stability when the Four of Wands appears upright. This card suggests that you’ll seldom feel burdened by financial concerns or expenses. Instead, it indicates that you’ll willingly use your wealth to benefit your family and loved ones. This could involve purchasing gifts for them, treating them to meals, or hosting celebratory gatherings.

Such expenditures are not frivolous or wasteful; rather, they contribute positively to your social relationships. Spending quality time with your loved ones brings a profound sense of satisfaction and pride, knowing that you have the means to enrich their lives. However, it’s important to exercise restraint and stay within your budget to ensure that you can fully enjoy these moments with your cherished ones.

Career (Upright) Meaning

The Four of Wands appearing upright signifies positive developments in your career. As a card representing success and teamwork, its presence in a career tarot reading suggests that you’ll receive support and assistance from your colleagues. A strong sense of camaraderie will prevail in your workplace, contributing significantly to your overall well-being.

Lately, the energy surrounding your workplace has been notably positive, largely attributed to the new relationships and connections you’ve cultivated. There may be an upcoming office party or celebration, offering you an opportunity to further strengthen bonds with your colleagues and superiors.

Health (Upright) Meaning

Regarding health, the appearance of the Four of Wands is a positive sign, indicating improved well-being and vitality. If you’ve been grappling with a prolonged illness and undergoing treatment, this card suggests that you’re on the brink of experiencing relief and transitioning to a healthier phase of life.

The Four of Wands, symbolizing familial bonds, carries auspicious implications for those hoping to start or expand their family. For individuals who are pregnant or trying to conceive, this card serves as a promising omen, suggesting that their aspirations will soon be realized, or that their journey to parenthood will be smooth and prosperous.

Four of Wands (Reversed) Meaning

When the Four of Wands appears reversed, it signifies a stark contrast to its upright meaning of family reunion and community spirit. Instead, it suggests feelings of isolation and exclusion. There is a notable lack of harmony and unity within your family circle, contributing to a heavy atmosphere that makes spending time with them uncomfortable. Tension pervades your relationships with both family members and friends, as you struggle to find your place among them. You may feel unsupported and disheartened by their apparent indifference to your achievements and successes, as if they are unwilling to celebrate with you.

Additionally, the reversed Four of Wands often points to canceled events or parties, adding to feelings of deprivation and disappointment. Perhaps you were organizing a significant gathering, such as a wedding or a surprise party, only to have it called off unexpectedly, leaving you feeling bereft. Similarly, plans to visit loved ones or return home may have been thwarted due to unforeseen circumstances, further compounding your sense of loss.

Moreover, this card suggests setbacks and failures, particularly in endeavors where teamwork and support were lacking. Whether it’s a failed project or a lack of achievement, you may be grappling with feelings of self-doubt and diminished self-esteem as a result. Trust and collaboration among colleagues or associates may be lacking, hindering progress and exacerbating feelings of neglect and desolation.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

If the Four of Wands appears reversed in a relationship reading, it’s a concerning sign, indicating potential challenges ahead. This reversal represents a myriad of negative aspects that can impact a relationship. It suggests disharmony, dissatisfaction within family and close circles, instability in relationships, and even relationship failures. The presence of this card suggests heightened possibilities of conflicts and misunderstandings between you and your partner. Perhaps due to miscommunication or differing expectations, you may both feel a growing sense of incompatibility.

Feelings of insecurity can exacerbate tensions, leading to bitterness and unpredictability in the relationship. The reversed Four of Wands may also signify the cancellation or postponement of celebratory events, leading to discord within family dynamics. This could manifest as disapproval from family members regarding your relationship, leaving you feeling isolated and disheartened.

Hopes for a joyous occasion, such as a wedding, may be dashed, leaving you disappointed and disillusioned. If you’re single, this card suggests feelings of alienation and a sense of not belonging within social circles. It may also serve as a cautionary signal against rekindling a past relationship, as it may not lead to the desired outcome.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

The reversed Four of Wands warns of financial challenges ahead, largely influenced by your relationships. Your family obligations are becoming burdensome, putting significant strain on your finances. Excessive spending to support your family is depleting your savings, making it increasingly difficult to manage your expenses.

Exercise caution when faced with unexpected financial demands. Take the time to carefully assess your financial situation before extending financial assistance to family or friends. Ensure that your support is directed towards genuine needs rather than frivolous desires, even if the individuals are close to you. It’s essential to prioritize your financial well-being and avoid overextending yourself financially for the sake of others.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

The reversed Four of Wands signifies a stark contrast to its upright counterpart. While the upright card represents flourishing work-life dynamics, its reversed form suggests challenges in the workplace. You’re encountering difficulties in forming connections and building relationships with your colleagues, leading to strained interpersonal dynamics. This tension may be reflective of the overall atmosphere in your workplace or could stem from specific incidents that have contributed to the prevailing sense of unease.

If there are plans for an office event, there’s a likelihood that it may be cancelled or encounter obstacles. Despite your efforts to foster positive relationships with your coworkers, the situation seems to be deteriorating, undermining any progress made thus far. Additionally, the workplace environment may feel unwelcoming and abrasive, negatively impacting your mental well-being.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

Exercise caution if the Four of Wands appears in a reversed position, particularly concerning your health. This card suggests a decline in your well-being, potentially leading to illness. It indicates that you’ve become overly consumed with your work and attending to your family’s needs, neglecting your own health and happiness in the process.

You’ve neglected to pause and consider your own preferences or engage in activities that bring you joy. There’s a risk that you may fall victim to a serious illness, which could result in hospitalization or necessitate the assistance of your family members as you recuperate and strive to regain your health and ability to work.

Four of Wands: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with the Four of Wands tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a Yes as the answer. However, with dedication and hard work, you will attain the outcome you desire.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it still signifies a Yes as the answer. However, it’s essential to engage in open communication about your desires and work towards reaching a conclusion that satisfies all parties involved.

Timing: Four of Wands Card Meaning

If you’re seeking to pinpoint when a particular event will occur and you draw the Four of Wands tarot card, expect your desire to manifest relatively soon. The timeframe typically falls within days or months, such as around the 4th, 13th, or 22nd of the following month. Regardless of the precise date, this card signifies that your aspiration will materialize in the near future.

It’s important to note that references to seasons, like “spring,” are not to be taken literally. Instead, they signify that your wish will come to fruition within the upcoming month from the date of the reading. Simplifying the timing, consider the number associated with the card—four in this case. This suggests that the event may transpire in 4 days, 4 weeks, or 4 months. Predicting events beyond this timeframe can be challenging, as our future unfolds with each decision we make.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.