
Eight of Swords – An In Depth Look

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Eight of Swords – An In Depth Look

Eight of Swords (Upright) Meaning

The Eight of Swords symbolizes a feeling of being cornered, confined, or restricted, with hands tied. It denotes concerns, psychological challenges, fear, and dread. This card, belonging to the Suit of Swords, represents despair, hopelessness, powerlessness, oppression, persecution, and suppression. Its appearance suggests pressure, problem-solving, or encountering dramatic situations. The core message conveyed is that one has contributed to this situation through negative thinking and succumbing to fear.

Despite the surrounding swords, the card offers the option to remove the blindfold and break free. It also implies consequences and judgment, possibly in the form of legal proceedings, imprisonment, or retribution. Generally, the Eight of Swords conveys a feeling of persecution and entrapment, leading to a sense of helplessness and deteriorating conditions. However, it also suggests that by changing our mindset, we can escape self-imposed traps and regain control.

Love and Relationship (Upright) Meaning

When it comes to love and relationships, the Eight of Swords is often seen as unfavorable, especially if you’re already in a relationship. It can indicate feeling trapped or stagnant within your relationship. However, it’s crucial to remember that this feeling of being stuck is a perception rather than an absolute reality. Even though finding a way out may not be straightforward, it’s possible if you decide to take action. If this Minor Arcana card appears in a love reading, it suggests that your relationship may be going through a challenging phase, marked by drama, difficulties, and negativity.

In its most severe interpretation, the Eight of Swords can signify an abusive relationship, where one feels victimized and utterly powerless. In such cases, it’s important to know that there are organizations and support systems available to help you navigate these situations. Looking ahead, the Eight of Swords also hints that you might be waiting for external solutions to fix what you perceive as wrong in your life. However, true contentment often comes from within, so investing effort in discovering your inner peace and happiness is crucial. Once you achieve this, you’ll be in a better position to welcome the right person into your life.

Finance (Upright) Meaning

The presence of the Eight of Swords in a financial Tarot spread once again suggests a sense of confinement or limitation stemming from your current financial situation. However, it’s crucial to recognize that this feeling is more a result of anxiety rather than an accurate reflection of your circumstances. If you’re looking to boost your income, it’s essential to think innovatively and explore unconventional solutions. Don’t succumb to fear; there are viable strategies to achieve your financial objectives. You might feel like time is slipping away, and your perception of reality may be clouded by concerns about your bank account’s status. It’s possible that there are untapped resources or opportunities available to you to increase your income.

When the upright Eight of Swords appears in a financial reading, it indicates feeling restricted by current debts or a lack of resources. It may be necessary to adjust your spending habits and avoid accumulating further debt. Consider thinking outside the box if a shortage of funds is causing challenges. There are various ways to earn additional income, such as babysitting, tutoring, or tending to yard work. Initially, putting in extra effort to earn money may be emotionally demanding, but with time, you’ll adapt and achieve success.

Career (Upright) Meaning

The Eight of Swords in a career setting suggests a feeling of confinement within your current work or position in a career Tarot reading. Despite feeling powerless, confused, and unable to change your circumstances at present, it’s important to realize that you hold the key to your own destiny. If you genuinely dislike your current situation, you possess the ability to change it. While your career may not align with your initial expectations, you may feel hesitant to leave because your job directly supports your livelihood.

You might believe that you lack alternative employment options or professional paths at this time. Transitioning to a new career may require additional education, which can be challenging without a stable source of income. However, even though it may appear that you’re limited in choices, adopting a creative mindset could reveal numerous solutions. Anxiety can distort your perception, making you feel like you have fewer options than you actually do.

There are likely several avenues available that can alleviate your situation without prolonged suffering. Consider seeking support, reassessing your financial situation, transforming a personal interest into a business endeavor, or exploring reputable student loan options. These steps can help you navigate career challenges and move toward a more fulfilling professional path.

Health (Upright) Meaning

The upright Eight of Swords, in this context, signifies mental health challenges such as PTSD, agoraphobia, melancholy, or panic attacks. Additionally, it can represent significant weight loss efforts, making it a favorable card if you’re aiming to lose weight. This card may also symbolize vision impairments or issues with eyesight. You might currently feel overwhelmed, as if circumstances are working against you. It’s advisable to confide in a trusted friend or family member about your mental or physical health concerns.

Opening up about your health can be beneficial, as we shouldn’t face life’s challenges alone, especially during difficult times. The upright Eight of Swords warns against feeling restricted or trapped, whether it’s in your life circumstances or within a particular religious or spiritual belief system. However, it emphasizes that how you perceive these situations ultimately shapes your experience.

Eight of Swords (Reversed) Meaning

he reversed Eight of Swords signifies a sense of liberation, freedom, and discovering new possibilities and solutions in a general sense. It represents the release of tension, letting go of worries, and facing fears and realities with courage. When reversed, this Minor Arcana card symbolizes self-belief, disregarding criticism, resisting abuse, and reclaiming personal authority. When this card appears in your reading, you may feel optimistic, enlightened, confident, and empowered. It suggests that you’re ready for healing, seeking assistance, and overcoming challenges. It can also symbolize being released from confinement or having completed a period of punishment.

However, the reversed Eight of Swords can also represent deep sadness, severe oppression, succumbing to pressure, or feeling completely immobilized by fear. Despite this, it carries a positive message of maturity, self-acceptance, and recognizing one’s own power and responsibility, especially after a period of uncertainty. It implies the ability to make informed decisions based on strong self-belief and trust in one’s ability to effect change in oneself and the world. It’s a time to let go of the past, declutter emotionally, and make space for new experiences and opportunities.

When the Eight of Swords appears reversed, there’s a tendency to rationalize, justify actions, and shift blame onto others. It’s essential to avoid falling into this trap. Instead, evaluate yourself using the same standards you apply to others and focus on what you can do to bring about positive change. Encourage others to take a positive approach as well, and refrain from complaining about others if you’re not maintaining a positive attitude yourself.

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

During a tarot card reading, the reversed Eight of Swords can suggest a release of worries and concerns regarding your relationship, signaling the possibility of overcoming challenges and positive developments if you’ve been struggling with relationship anxiety. It may indicate a positive turn if you’ve felt trapped or uncomfortable in a relationship, suggesting readiness to leave such situations, especially if they are abusive. However, it can also forewarn of intense melancholy, indicating potential sadness or difficulties in the relationship.

In cases of abuse, the reversed Eight of Swords suggests that controlling behavior from your partner may escalate. For singles, this card signifies letting go of fears and anxieties about love, leading to increased confidence and optimism about finding true love. Conversely, it could indicate that fear of dating has become overwhelming, hindering your ability to connect with a partner. To clarify the specific interpretation, it’s important to consider the surrounding cards in the reading.

Finances (Reversed) Meaning

The reversed Eight of Swords in a tarot card reading session indicates a shift in your financial worries or fears, either towards improvement in your mental health or deeper entrenchment in uneasiness. If your finances are stable, it’s advised to set aside funds for emergencies to enhance your sense of security. The appearance of the reversed Eight of Swords can signify a decrease or increase in financial anxieties.

You may find that your concerns and anxieties are worsening, or conversely, you might be beginning to recognize the range of options available to you. It’s crucial to address these issues before they further impact your mental well-being. The reversed Eight of Swords can suggest a reduction or intensification of financial concerns, urging you to consider all available options to prevent worsening worries and tensions. Adopting a strong, optimistic, and positive mindset regarding your finances is essential to overcoming these concerns.rephrase You may have learned to let go of your tension, anxiety, and fear in regard to work and that you should be finding things at work much simpler. Getting this card reversed foretells that leaving a job or career path that was limiting your possibilities or making you feel confined could also mean that you have done so. On the other hand, reading this Minor Arcana card backward may reveal that you have grown much more burdened by a profession that was already giving you a lot of distress. Similar to the upright version, you need to understand that you have the option to quit your employment if it is truly making you miserable. You may have had to wait a while, but now that your career anxiety is at an end, it feels good. Now that the situation has improved, there is less worry and fear to obscure your eyesight. This card may occasionally allude to a new career or position you have obtained that enables you to reach your full potential. However, it might occasionally also mean the exact opposite.

Career (Reversed) Meaning

You might have discovered how to release the tension, anxiety, and fear associated with your job, making your work life much smoother. When this card appears reversed, it can indicate that you’ve either left a job or career path that was limiting your opportunities or making you feel restricted. Conversely, the reversed Minor Arcana card might suggest that you’ve become even more burdened by a profession that was already causing you distress.

Like its upright counterpart, this card emphasizes that you have the choice to leave your job if it’s causing you unhappiness. While it may have taken time, now that your career-related anxiety has eased, you likely feel a sense of relief. With improved circumstances, there’s less worry and fear clouding your perspective. Occasionally, this card may hint at a new career or role that allows you to fulfill your potential. However, it could also occasionally indicate the opposite outcome.

Health (Reversed) Meaning

The reversed Eight of Swords could suggest overcoming mental health challenges such as PTSD, agoraphobia, melancholy, or panic attacks in a health Tarot spread. It may also indicate successful treatment for eye problems. However, it can also signify profound depression and thoughts of suicide. It’s crucial to remember that there are always better options if you’re feeling depressed or suicidal. Reach out to a mental health professional or confide in loved ones for support and guidance.

Remember not to lose hope; you can overcome these challenges. Your body’s signals are complex when this reversed card appears in a health spread, indicating that any symptoms you’re experiencing require attention. Seeking advice from a qualified medical professional is imperative. Avoid attempting to self-treat any existing illness while this card is present. Instead, calmly evaluate and assess your health concerns before taking any action

Eight of Swords: One card Pull

The one-card pull is conducted for those seeking quick and direct answers, especially when looking for a Yes or No response. This method is beneficial in times of tough situations or when faced with a dilemma. After shuffling the cards, you select one from the deck, and based on your question, the answer is revealed. The results for a one-card pull with the Eight of Swords tarot card are as follows:

Upright: If the drawn card appears in an upright position, it signifies a No as the answer. The upright Eight of Swords typically indicates a feeling of being restricted and experiencing hesitancy, suggesting that it may not be the ideal moment for making major changes. Prioritizing the restoration of your power and self-confidence is crucial at this time.

Reversed Position: If the drawn card appears in an reversed position, it signifies a Yes as the answer. Despite the remaining obstacles, this indicates that you possess a feeling of mastery over your life and are ready to face any challenges directly. You feel a profound sense of control and resilience.

Timing: Eight of Swords Card Meaning

The Eight of Swords indicates that you will deeply contemplate a challenge, and this introspection may occur in the near future, within hours or days. If you receive the Eight of Swords in response to a question about timing, it suggests that your desires or inquiries will indeed manifest, but the process will take time as the Air element signifies movement, albeit swift.

It’s challenging to pinpoint an exact timeframe, as it could be during the winter season or the astrological signs of Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. Timing might also be associated with specific dates such as the 8th, 17th, or 26th of a month, or measured in months. The key understanding is that your desired outcome is on its way, even if it arrives swiftly or is short-lived. When using the Swords Suit for timing, it’s best to anticipate at least a slight delay.


The card descriptions draw upon the imagery depicted in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, using it as a foundation to elucidate the significance of each card in the context of a Tarot reading.