
Three Card Tarot Spread

The three-card spread offers simplicity, making it perfect for newcomers to tarot. Not only is it a timeless choice, but it also accommodates a variety of inquiries. It furnishes sufficient information for deeper understanding without inundating the reader or the person asking a question.

Therefore, the three-card tarot spread remains a preferred choice among experienced practitioners.

As you grow more accustomed to your cards, you have the freedom to create your own three-card Tarot spreads. In the meantime, feel free to utilize or modify one of these well-established and tested three-card tarot spread patterns:

Past-Present-Future Tarot Spreads

In the past, present, and future Tarot spread, the initial card drawn symbolizes past influences shaping current circumstances. This insight can offer clues regarding prevalent themes. Even the presence of a Minor Arcana suit alone can steer your interpretation.

For instance, if a Cup card appears, it signifies an inquiry driven by emotions, whereas a Pentacles card may indicate underlying considerations related to material gains or security.

The second card, positioned in the middle of the lineup, reveals the essence of the Tarot question or the current position of the person asking a question.

In general, when a Major Arcana card appears in this position, it implies a phase where the person asking a question must acknowledge and surrender to larger cosmic influences.

Conversely, if a Minor Arcana card is drawn in this position, it suggests that the person asking the question holds greater agency or control over the situation.

If the future appears unfavorable, contemplation can aid in making more informed decisions within the given circumstances.

Situation-Obstacles-Advice/Outcome Tarot Spreads

This spread is particularly valuable for gaining insight into conflicts and resolving tensions. Initially, the first card drawn often depicts the querent’s role in the situation. Subsequently, the obstacle card intersects with the first card, revealing the factors contributing to the conflict or tension.

The last card is versatile in its interpretation. It may unveil a probable outcome, or alternatively, it can provide guidance for the querent on how to best navigate the situation and maximize its potential.

Mind-Body-Spirit Tarot Spreads

One Card Tarot Spread

In our fast-paced lives, simplicity often trumps complexity, especially for tarot beginners. The KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle holds true when conducting readings. While a multiple-card spread is beneficial for those seeking in-depth insights, the one-card pull tarot practice is perfect for our modern, hectic lifestyles. It allows you to pose any question and receive immediate answers within a minute, ensuring that even amidst busyness, there’s no excuse to skip your daily tarot ritual.

Here’s a guide on performing a one-card tarot spread:

Consider formulating a question that goes beyond a simple yes or no response, such as:

  • What action should I take regarding…?
  • In what way will I…?
  • Where can I locate…?
  • How should I approach…?

Afterward, hold your Tarot cards in your hands and lightly tap or knock the deck to infuse your energy into it.

Concentrate on your question while cradling the cards, allowing the inquiry to resonate within you.

When prepared, commence shuffling the cards. Continue shuffling for as long as you feel necessary or until an intuitive sense signals it’s time to stop and lay the cards out.

Select the card that captures your attention. Occasionally, one or more cards may leap from the deck while shuffling. If you sense a connection with any of those cards, feel free to choose from them.

The card you have chosen will provide the answers and guidance you require for the day ahead and beyond!